Non-Tenure Track Teaching Excellence Award

Non-Tenure Track Teaching Excellence Award

The Non-Tenure Track (NTT) Teaching Excellence Award honors one NTT faculty member in The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) who has demonstrated outstanding teaching as exhibited by a knowledge of and enthusiasm for the subject matter and exceptional concern for student success. The recipient should also demonstrate an active interest in departmental and university issues.


Current non-tenure track faculty (teaching 3 or more hours per year) who have taught in CAS for at least three consecutive semesters


The award will carry the following recognition:

  • Up to $500 to apply toward teaching endeavors including teaching-related travel (All equipment remains the property of Appalachian State University)
  • Medallion and certificate presented at the fall CAS Awards Luncheon


All faculty, staff and alumni are eligible to submit nominations. Any Appalachian State University student may submit a nomination as long as they are not currently enrolled in the nominee's class. 

Nomination/Application Process

To nominate a faculty member for this award, please complete the nomination form to submit it to the CAS Selection Committee. Nominations should describe why the nominee is deserving of the award.

Once nominated, CAS will contact the nominee for additional materials including:

  • A cover letter that describes how the nominee feels he/she is deserving of the award, with particular emphasis on their unique teaching strengths. The letter should also describe what is included in the packet.
  • An updated curriculum vita.
  • Course syllabi from one or more courses.
  • Student evaluations from two or more classes.
  • Recent peer/and or Chair reviews.
  • Optional materials may include innovative assignments and projects, in-class and out-of class activities as well as a statement of teaching philosophy.

Selection of Awardee

The Non-Tenure Track Teaching Excellence Award Committee reviews the applications and makes a recommendation to the Dean of CAS. The Committee is composed of the three most recent award recipients and two tenure-track CAS faculty members.

2024 Nomination Form

2024 Nomination Form

To nominate a faculty or staff member for this award, please complete the 2024 CAS Faculty & Staff Award Nomination Form between Monday, August 12, 2024, and Monday, August 30, 2024. The Committee typically begins review of nominations at the beginning of the fall semester.

Previous Award Winners

  • Pablo Chialvo (2022-23)
  • Kendra Souza (2021-22)
  • Amanda Howell (2020-21)
  • Katie Adams (2019-20)
  • Misa Yamamoto (2018-19)
  • Allison Fredette (2017-18)
  • Heather Custer (2016-17)
  • Bradley Johnson (2015-16)
  • Brian Zimmer (2014-15)
  • Not Awarded (2013-14)
  • Caleb Marsh (2012-13)
  • Herbert Hash (2011-12)
  • William Drennan (2010-11)
  • Not Awarded (2009-10)
  • Jonathan Bradshaw (2008-09)
  • Andrew Ferguson (2007-08)
  • Ralph Lentz (2006-07)
  • Josie Bortz (2005-06)
  • Eric Bowne (2004-05)
  • Amy Hudnall (2003-04)
  • Denise Goetz (2002-03)
  • Sammye Sigmann (2001-02)
  • Lisa Muir (2000-01)
  • Kenneth Chauvin (1999-2000)
  • Ellen Arnold (1998-99)