College Liaisons

Inclusive Excellence Liaisons

Academic Affairs and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success are committed to Inclusive Excellence and recognize that inclusion and excellence are one and the same. Inclusive Excellence is an academically rigorous process and outcome that promotes critical thinking about knowledge, seeks to understand and address historical and present-day inequities, and creates equitable classroom environments. Inclusive Excellence does not position diversity as simply the presence of difference but instead treats diversity as the intentional inclusion of the cultures, worldviews, gifts, talents, history and traditions of all people and places.


Dr. Carol Babyak

Dr. Carol Babyak
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences 


Tammy Wahpeconiah

Dr. Tammy Wahpeconiah
Department of English 

Sustainability Liaison

Carla RamsdellThe Office of Sustainability has identified a group of faculty sustainability liaisons, representing each college on campus, to promote visibility of curriculum, research and outreach related to sustainability across campus.

Carla Ramsdell from the Department of Physics and Astronomy is the sustainability liaison for the College of Arts and Sciences.

She is also a Food Physicist, Engineer, Environmental Steward and cooking Evangilist. Learn more at





Online Tools

Office of Research and Innovation Liaison


Dr. Michael Madritch
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Professor, Biology

Office of Research and Innovation 

Campus Resources

National Park Liaison

Mark Spond

Dr. Mark Spond
Liaison to the Blue Ridge Parkway and
National Park Service
Department of Geography and Planning

National Park Service at App State

Communication Liaison

Lauren Andersen

Lauren Andersen
Director of Marketing, Communication, and Engagement
College of Arts and Sciences

Communication Liaison to University Communications