
Impact Report


43,442 CAS alumni

$828,967 total donations 

$781 average gift size

1997 class year with the most donors

1979 & 1978 class years with the most gifts

1974 class year with the largest gift amount

Numbers based on data from fiscal year 2021-22.


42,597 CAS alumni

$680,920 total donations

$800 average gift size

1976 class year with the most gifts 

1974 class year with the largest gift amount

$14,169 raised for the College SAFE fund on iBackAPP day (2021)

Numbers based on data from fiscal year 2020-21.


Dr. Beverly Moser, professor emerita in Appalachian State University's Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures

SAFE Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Beverly Moser

Dr. Beverly Moser, Professor, Department of Languages, Literatures and CulturesStudent and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) Fund Recipient: Spring 2023Projec...

Freedom Johnson '22

SAFE Student Spotlight: Freedom Johnson '22

Freedom Johnson '22Student and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) Fund Recipient: Spring 2023Project: "Recognition of the ClbR Gene in Escherichia coli with Ha...

Josie Patch

SAFE Student Spotlight: Josie Patch

Josie PatchStudent and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) Fund Recipient: Spring 2023Project: "Archiving Environmental Justice: Collaborative Ethnographic and ...

Ultimate Guide to Take Action

Here's how to get involved or support the College of Arts and Sciences new and future students, faculty and staff.

  • MAKE a gift to the Student and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) fund to provide resources that can be used to transform the student experience and support faculty in the college
  • APPLY for a matching gift from your employer.
  • SPONSOR a student internship or mentorship opportunity.
  • INCLUDE a gift in your estate planning.
  • GIVE a gift of a scholarship.
  • FOLLOW us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X
  • RECRUIT graduates from Appalachian.
  • VOLUNTEER your time on a board or committee.
  • NAME a classroom or space on campus, like in the newly renovated Sanford Hall.
  • ESTABLISH a monthly or yearly routine of supporting your favorite area at your alma mater to support future generations.