Impact Report
45,643 CAS alumni
$541,016 total donations
$637 average gift size
1976, 1997 & 1998 class years with the most donors
1997 class year with the most gifts
1986 class year with the largest gift amount
Numbers based on data from fiscal year 2023-24.
44,273 CAS alumni
$600,101 total donations
$630 average gift size
1976 class year with the most donors
1976 class year with the most gifts
1987 class year with the largest gift amount
Numbers based on data from fiscal year 2022-23.

Do you know your Darwin Number? Dr. Steve Hageman can help!
Jan 29, 2025
BOONE, N.C. — Do you know your Darwin Number? If you've met Appalachian State University professor Dr. Steve Hageman, you're one of few with a ...

SAFE Student Spotlight: Oliver Sullivan
Dec 17, 2024
Oliver SullivanFall 2023 SAFE Fund RecipientProject: "Perceived vs. Actual: Bridging the Gap in the Understanding of Psychology Majors’ Skills"Olive...

SAFE Student Spotlight: Maggie Vaughn
Dec 10, 2024
Maggie VaughnFall 2023 SAFE Fund RecipientProject: "Toward an Improved Synthesis of Dental Adhesives"Maggie Vaughn, a senior biology major from Nebo, ...
Ultimate Guide to Take Action
Here's how to get involved or support the College of Arts and Sciences new and future students, faculty and staff.
- MAKE a gift to the Student and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) fund to provide resources that can be used to transform the student experience and support faculty in the college
- APPLY for a matching gift from your employer.
- SPONSOR a student internship or mentorship opportunity.
- INCLUDE a gift in your estate planning.
- GIVE a gift of a scholarship.
- FOLLOW us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X
- RECRUIT graduates from Appalachian.
- VOLUNTEER your time on a board or committee.
- NAME a classroom or space on campus, like in the newly renovated Sanford Hall.
- ESTABLISH a monthly or yearly routine of supporting your favorite area at your alma mater to support future generations.