Academy of Outstanding Teachers and Outstanding Teachers of the Year Awards
In 1988, The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) instituted the Academy of Outstanding Teachers and the Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award to recognize excellence in teaching.
Current full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty who have taught in CAS for at least two full years and current non-tenure track faculty (teaching 3 or more hours per year) who have taught in CAS for at least four consecutive semesters are eligible. Eligible nominees may have been instructors of record lecture class(es), seminar(s) or lab(s) at any level.
Appointees to the Academy of Outstanding Teachers and the Outstanding Teachers of the Year will receive a medallion and certificate presented at the CAS Awards event. In addition, the Outstanding Tenure-Track Teacher of the Year and the Outstanding Non-Tenure-Track Teacher of the Year will each receive up to $1,000 in supplemental pay (subject to deduction of all pertinent taxes).
All faculty, staff and alumni are eligible to submit nominations. Additionally, Appalachian State University students may submit a nomination as long as they are not currently enrolled in the nominee's class.
Nomination Process
To nominate a faculty member for this award, please complete the nomination form linked below. Nominations should describe how the nominee has displayed the following:
Ability to impart knowledge, inquisitiveness and the desire for continued learning;
Competence and command of the subject matter;
Concern for students' intellectual growth and personal development;
Enthusiasm for the subject matter and for teaching it.
CAS will contact nominees to request the following additional materials:
A statement of teaching philosophy (up to 500 words);
An updated curriculum vitae;
Course syllabi from up to two courses;
Student evaluations from the classes that correspond with the syllabi in item 3, above;
Up to two recent peer and or Chair reviews;
Up to two examples of innovative assignments or projects, in-class and out-of-class activities as well as a statement of teaching philosophy.
Note: All supporting documentation must be uploaded in ONE pdf.
Selection of Awardees
The Outstanding Teachers/Academy Award Committee reviews the applications and makes a recommendation to the Dean of CAS. The Committee is composed of the most recent Outstanding TT Teacher of the Year Award recipient, the most recent Outstanding NTT Teacher of the Year recipient, two additional TT faculty members, and two additional NTT faculty members. The committee should include representation from mathematics/natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities disciplines. The most recent award recipients serve as co-Chairs. The TT faculty on the committee review the TT nominations and make recommendations of up to 3 TT faculty for the Academy of Outstanding Teachers, the NTT faculty on the committee review the NTT nominees and make recommendations of up to 3 NTT faculty for the Academy of Outstanding Teachers. The entire committee then collectively recommends TT and NTT Teachers of the Year from among those recommended for the Academy of Outstanding Teachers. All letters of nomination are kept on file and nominated faculty are eligible for up to two years.

2024 Nomination Form
To nominate a faculty or staff member for this award, please complete the 2024 CAS Faculty & Staff Award Nomination Form between Monday, August 12, 2024, and Friday, August 30, 2024. The Committee typically begins review of nominations at the beginning of the fall semester.
Previous Outstanding Teachers of the Year Award Recipients
- Randall Reed (2023-24)
- Joel Swanson (2023-24)
- Elizabeth Shay (2022-23)
- Kara Dempsey (2021-22)
- Deborah Crocker (2020-21)
- Cindy Norris (2019-20)
- Ellen Lamont (2018-19)
- Germán Campos-Muñoz (2017-18)
- Cynthia Liutkus-Pierce (2016-17)
- Elicka Sparks (2015-16)
- Joseph Pollock (2014-15)
- Andrew Ferguson (2013-14)
- Alice McRae (2012-13)
- Ted Zerucha (2011-12)
- Sarah Greenwald (2010-11)
- Cameron Lippard (2009-10)
- Kim Hall (2008-09)
- Rodney Duke (2007-08)
- Sheila Phipps (2006-07)
- Douglas Waring (2005-06)
- Mary Connell (2004-05)
- Cinthia Pratt (2003-04)
- Alan Hauser (2002-03)
- Doris Bazzini (2001-02)
- Ray Ruble (2000-01)
- Delores Parks (1999-2000)
- Zohara Boyd (1998-99)
- Fred Webb (1997-98)
- Anita Kitchens (1996-17)
- Thomas McGowan (1995-96)
- Richard Henson (1994-95)
- Peggy Hartley (1993-94)
- Jay Wentworth (1992-93)
- George Miles (1991-92)
- Rennie Brantz (1990-91)
- Loren Raymond (1989-90)
Previous Academy of Outstanding Teachers Award Recipients
- Adrienne Erazo (LLC)
- Alan Hauser (PR)
- Alice McRae (CS)
- Allison Fredette (HIS)
- Anatoly Isaenko (HIS)
- Andrew B. Heckert (GES)
- Andrew Ferguson (SOC)
- Anita Kitchens (MAT)
- Ann Wortinger (RRI)
- Anthony Calamai (PA)
- B.J. Yoblinksi (CFS)
- Barbara Zaitzow (GJS)
- Başak Çandar (ENG)
- Beverly Moser (LLC)
- Brad Nash (SOC)
- Cameron Lippard (SOC)
- Carol Babyak (CFS)
- Cassandra Eagle (CFS)
- Cindy Norris (CS)
- Cinthia Pratt (SOC)
- Claire Olander (CFS)
- Conrad Ostwalt (PR)
- Craig Fischer (ENG)
- Curtis Ryan (GJS)
- Cynthia Liukus-Pierce (GES)
- Dale Wheeler (CFS)
- Dana Powell (ANT)
- David Orvis (ENG)
- David Russell (SOC)
- David Sutton (GJS)
- Deborah Crocker (MAT)
- Dolores Parks (CS)
- Donna Lillian (ENG)
- Doris Bazzini (PSY)
- Douglas Waring (PSY)
- Edelma Huntley (ENG)
- Edward Allen (GJS)
- Elaine O'Quinn (ENG)
- Elicka Peterson-Sparks (GJS)
- Elizabeth Shay (GHY)
- Ellen Cowan (GES)
- Ellen Key (GJS)
- Ellen Lamont (SOC)
- Emory Maiden (ENG)
- Eugene Miller (ENG)
- Fred Webb (GES)
- Gabriele Casale (GES)
- George Miles (CFS)
- Georgia Rhoades (ENG)
- Germán Campos-Muñoz (ENG)
- Heather Custer (ENG)
- Janice Rienerth (SOC)
- Jay Wentworth (IDS)
- Jeff Boyer (ANT)
- Jeff Holcomb (GJS)
- Jeffrey Bortz (HIS)
- Joel Swanson (CS)
- John Bond (BIO)
- Johnnie Lotesta (SOC)
- Joseph Gonzalez (IDS)
- Joseph Pollock (PA)
- Kara Dempsey (GHY)
- Karl Campbell (HIS)
- Karl Mamola (PA)
- Kenneth Jacker (CS)
- Kenneth Shull (BIO)
- Kenneth Steele (PSY)
- Kevin Kennedy (LLC)
- Kim Hall (PR)
- Laura Ammon (PR)
- Leslie Gerber (IDS)
- Loren Raymond (GES)
- Lori Renda-Francis (RRI)
- Maksoud Feghali (LLC)
- Marian Williams (GJS)
- Mark Venable (BIO)
- Mary Ballard (PSY)
- Mary Connell (BIO)
- Maryam Ahmed (BIO)
- Matt Williamson (GJS)
- Matthew Rowe (BIO)
- Michael Dale (IDS)
- Michael Ramey (CFS)
- Myra Pennell (HIS)
- Neal Lineback (GHY)
- Pablo Chialvo (BIO)
- Patricia Beaver (ANT)
- Peggy Hartley (LLC)
- Peter Petschauer (HIS)
- Randall Reed (PR)
- Raymond Ruble (PR)
- Rennie Brantz (HIS)
- Richard Carp (IDS)
- Richard Henson (BIO)
- Richard McGarry (LLC)
- Rick Elmore (PR)
- Rodney Duke (PR)
- Roger Stilling (ENG)
- Ruth Ann Strickland (GJS)
- Sandra Gagnon (PSY)
- Sarah Carmichael (GES)
- Sarah-Beth Long (ENG)
- Sarah Greenwald (MAT)
- Scott Jessee (HIS)
- Shawn Bergman (PSY)
- Sheila Phipps (HIS)
- Sushmita Chatterjee (IDS)
- Tammy Wahpeconiah (ENG)
- Ted Zerucha (BIO)
- Theresa Early (MAT)
- Thomas McGowan (ENG)
- Tim Silver (HIS)
- Timothy Ludwig (PSY)
- Timothy Smith (ANT)
- Tom McLaughlin (ENG)
- Victoria Cox (LLC)
- Wilber Ward (ENG)
- William Griffin (LLC)
- William Imperatore (GHY)
- William McGalliard (MAT)
- William Sprunt (MAT)
- Winston Kinsey (HIS)
- Zohara Boyd (ENG)