Interdisciplinary Studies (Formerly CGG)


Connection to Sustainability: Fields of Global Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies and Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies address issues of social justice; Examinations regarding access to technology, local and global inequality, as well as institutionalized inequality.

Teaching: Sex, Gender, and Power; Global Women¹s Issues; Intro to LGBT Studies; Women, Food and Nature; Interpreting Bodies; Queer Theory; Transnational Topics in Gender, Women¹s & Sexuality Studies; Alternative Globalizations; Cooperative Economies; Contemporary Global Issues; Introduction to Peace Studies; Introduction to Non-Profit Organizations; We are Water; Contemporary Topics in Science & Technology Studies; Internet Studies.

Research: Developing cooperative structures with implications for alternative economies & social justice; Disability research; The study of gender equality and LGBT issues; Examining the political economy and transnational issues of gender; new media practices & civic engagement.

Student Engagement and Outreach Activities: Non-profit management minors have a required internship; 12 week study abroad requirement for Global Studies; Some students participate in international internships or service learning experiences; High Country Cooperative organization supports the awareness and creation of cooperatives in the High Country; some students in Gender, Women's & Sexuality Studies engage in advocacy work; a number of courses involve project-based, experiential learning activities.