College of Arts and Sciences Research/Proposal Development Summer Grant
The College of Arts and Sciences will provide $5,000 summer stipend grants to untenured, tenure-track faculty to work on scholarly research, creative projects and/or external funding proposals. The purpose of these grants are to allow untenured, tenure-track faculty to focus on scholarship during the summer. Consistent with the College's mission, projects that contribute to diversity, equity and inclusion efforts will be given special consideration.
To receive this grant, the applicant must have no teaching duties during one of the five week summer sessions or one of the graduate sessions. These funds are exclusively for salary and cannot be used for equipment, supplies, travel, etc. Stipends will be paid on June 30, 2023. These are state salary funds and are subject to all pertinent taxes. Faculty are eligible to receive a grant once every two years. All untenured, tenure-track faculty are encouraged to apply. Applications must be submitted before noon on Friday, December 1, 2023, to receive full consideration.
Summer Grant Application via InfoReady Review Software
Please contact Mark Bradbury ( with any questions.