Process for completion of forms for undergraduate students only (graduate students - please scroll to the bottom of the page for more information):
- Student completes all necessary form requests.
- Student needs to email the completed form(s) to their instructor of the course. When the student sends the form to the instructor the student needs to copy the following e-mail addresses: Departmental Chairperson of the course request and
- Both the instructor and the departmental chairperson (and/or assistant chairperson depending on department-specific protocols) will need to review the request and reply all with their approval or denial of the submitted form(s).
- Once all approvals are received by the CAS office, the form(s) will be processed.
Request for Exception to the Drop Policy
This process differs from the above outline as the request is only sent to the Dean's Office for review. Please review the form in its entirety and submit the form along with any required documentation to ONLY.
***Departments please note: Each email should be specific to a single student. For appropriate documentation purposes, forms should not be sent in one communication for multiple students.***
The following forms are PDF files or links to other University pages:
- Drop/Add (130 KB, PDF)
- Request for Change/Addition/Deletion of Major, Minor, Certificate, or Catalog Year (Google Form submission only. Will not follow process listed above.)
- Consent to Release Information (131 KB, PDF)
- Credit by Exam: Please see the Credit by Exam CAS Academic Policy Guidelines for more information.
- Credit by Exam Charge Request Form (Link to DocuSign. Please complete this request from a PC, not a phone, to avoid access errors.)
- Credit by Exam (157 KB, PDF) (Document to seek course credit)
- Geology Instructional Internship - GLY 3520 (135 KB, PDF)
- Grade Appeal Procedure
- Grade Appeal Form
- Grade Forgiveness Exception Form (117 KB, PDF)
- Independent Study Contract (163 KB, PDF)
- Instructional Assistance Contract (for classes) (157 KB, PDF)
- Petition to Individually Drop a Chemistry Lecture or Lab (Google Form submission only. Will not follow process listed above.)
- Petition to Individually Drop a Physics/Astronomy Lecture or Lab (Google Form submission only. Will not follow process listed above.)
- Request for Exception to the Drop Policy
- Special Course Form (Undergraduate) (816 KB, PDF) - Required for registration for Independent Study, Individual Study, Instructional Assistantship, Research, Thesis/Dissertation, etc.
- Independent study is the study of a subject not listed in the regular curricular offerings. These courses are typically numbered as 2500, 3500 or 4500. Please refer to the University bulletin to determine avaible course numbering within your discpline and/or speak with your instructor. Registration for this course also requires submission of an Independent Study Contract (see above).
- Individual study is the pursuit of a regularly listed course by a student without attending classes on a regular basis.
- The instructional assistance program is designed for students interested in participating, for academic credit, in supervised experiences in the instructional process on the University level through direct participation in classroom situations. Registration for this course also requires submission of an Instructional Assistance Contract (see above).
- Special Course Form (Graduate) (Additional graduate student forms may be found on the Graduate School forms page)
Permit requests are handled differently from college to college. Permit requests will follow the course iteself (i.e. CHE permits are reviewed by the Chemistry department and EDU permits are reviewed by the Reich College of Education). Specifically for CAS courses, students would need to contact the appropriate department directly. Specific permit request information for CAS and other colleges is provided below:
- Within the College of Arts and Sciences:
- Chemistry Department Permit Request Form
- Physics and Astronomy Permit Request Form
- Psychology Class Permit Request Form
- All other departments, students must contact the department directly.
- Walker College of Business
- Capacity permits (course is currently full) - students must contact the department directly
- All other permit requests, please contact WCOB Advising -
- Reich College of Education
- Single form request for all courses within RCOE:
- College of Fine and Applied Arts
- Students must contact the department directly.
- Beaver College of Health Sciences
- Departmentally reviewed - all department permit requests forms may be found here:
- Hayes School of Music
- Students must discuss permits with the HSoM academic advisor, Jonathan Caison (