
SAFE student recipient Chloë Dorin, Biology. Photo submitted.

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Chloe Dorin, Biology
Oct 15, 2021

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Chloe Dorin, Biology Chloë Dorin is a graduate student from Raleigh, N.C.

Student and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) fund recipient

College News, SAFE Grant, Grants & Research, Students
Appalachian State University is located in the Blue Ridge, part of the Appalachian Mountains that extend from Georgia to Pennsylvania. Photo by Marie Freeman

Learning in the High Country — beyond the classroom
Oct 14, 2021

Appalachian State University students and alumni often refer to the university as their “home on the mountain.” The use of this physical reference point for Appalachian reflects the interconnectedness of the university and its location in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

College News, Outreach & Community Engagement, Faculty & Staff, Students
Mountain View image. Photo submitted.

Learning in the High Country — beyond the classroom
Oct 8, 2021

Appalachian State University students and alumni often refer to the university as their “home on the mountain.” The use of this physical reference point for Appalachian reflects the interconnectedness of the university and its location in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

College News, Outreach & Community Engagement, Faculty & Staff, Students
Department of Sociology titlemark

Sociology Announces a New Concentration in Sociology!
Oct 1, 2021

Starting this Fall 2021, the Department of Sociology will offer a new Bachelor of Science concentration in Sociology focusing on power and social change.

College News, Students
Caption: SAFE student recipient Karissa Scholten, Psychology. Photo submitted.

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Karissa Scholten, Psychology
Sep 30, 2021

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Karissa Scholten, Psychology Karissa Scholten is a graduate student from Grand Rapids, M.I.

Student and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) fund recipient

College News, SAFE Grant, Grants & Research, Students
Caption: SAFE student recipient Charles Fennell, Psychology. Photo submitted.

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Charles Fennell ’20, Psychology
Sep 21, 2021

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Charles Fennell ’20, Psychology Charles Fennell was an undergraduate student from Charlotte, N.C.

Student and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) fund recipient

College News, SAFE Grant, Grants & Research, Students
SAFE student recipient Maira Ezerins, a former graduate student in the Department of Psychology. Photo submitted.

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Maira Ezerins ‘20, Psychology
Sep 15, 2021

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Maira Ezerins ‘20, Psychology Maira Ezerins was a graduate student from Middleboro, M.A.

Student and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) fund recipient

College News, SAFE Grant, Grants & Research, Students
Emma Allen, Computer Science major, CAS Corps 2021-22 member. Photo submitted.

CAS Corps Feature: Emma Allen
Sep 13, 2021

The CAS Corps are chosen to serve as representatives to all constituents of the College of Arts and Sciences and to create, promote and execute opportunities for academic and professional growth.

College News, CAS Corps, Students
Nataly Jimenez, from High Point, is an Appalachian State University Honors College senior majoring in sociology-criminology, deviance and law, with a minor in psychology. After graduation, she plans to attend law school and become an immigration lawyer. Photo by Chase Reynolds

App State’s Nataly Jimenez: A scholar and an advocate
Sep 10, 2021

Growing up in an immigrant family, Appalachian State University senior Nataly Jimenez said she watched her parents and extended family encounter hardship on a daily basis. The experience inspired her goal to become an immigration lawyer, advocating for the rights of families like her own.

College News, Students
Grace Rogers, senior, SAFE fund recipient. Photo submitted.

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Grace Rogers, Mathematical Sciences
Sep 3, 2021

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Grace Rogers, Mathematical Sciences Grace Rogers is a senior from Durham, N.C.

Student and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) fund recipient

Project: “Automatic Identification of Landslides”

College News, SAFE Grant, Grants & Research, Students