
Triassic Trip 2008, including Anna A. Littlefield. This image shows students measuring the thickness of the layers of rock exposed in the Blue Hills near St. Johns, Arizona. This allowed the participants to put the fossils in stratigraphic order and compare them to other localities, such as Petrified Forest National Park. Photo by Kristan Cockerill.

252 million years ago, four alumni, one road trip and a cause
Jan 14, 2022

How a field experience created a lasting bond for App State alums

College News, Alumni, Students, Support, Departmental News, Then & Now
Dr. Sarah Carmichael, professor in the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences at Appalachian State University, is a geochemist and a National Geographic Explorer. She specializes in Devonian period research, studying the causes and effects of mass extinction events that occurred 350–417 million years ago. She is pictured during a field expedition in Mongolia in 2018, where she and her team evaluated specimens preserved in volcanic rocks. Photo by Felix Kunze

App State research team examines ancient evidence in mass extinctions
Jan 12, 2022

Appalachian State University’s Dr. Sarah Carmichael describes her job as similar to that of a crime scene investigator — and the evidence she examines is more than 350 million years old.

College News, Faculty & Staff, Students, Grants & Research, Sustainability
Student success shows up both inside — and outside — the classroom at Appalachian State University. Achieving a work-life balance, studying with others and other success strategies help students make the most of their Mountaineer experience. Photo by Chase Reynolds

App State students share 7 tips for success — inside and outside the classroom
Jan 6, 2022

Student success shows up both inside — and outside — the classroom at Appalachian State University. Below, several students share their tips for excelling academically and making the best of their overall Mountaineer experience.

College News, Students
App State block A logo

Announcing Chancellor's & Dean's List for Dec 2021
Dec 17, 2021

The University Registrar has announced that 7,695 undergraduate students have been named to the Chancellor’s or Dean’s List for Fall 2021.  The Registrar’s Office has 

College News, University News, Students
As part of its mission, Appalachian State University prepares students to lead purposeful lives as engaged global citizens who understand their responsibilities in creating a sustainable future for all. As of spring 2021, more than 240 App State alumni were living and working abroad. Photo by Kate Brown ’16

A black and gold world — 6 Mountaineers share how App State prepared them for life, career success
Dec 17, 2021

Whether Mountaineers come to App State as domestic or international students, they leave with an App State Experience that has prepared them for life and career success, wherever their paths may take them — from Japan, to the land Down Under, or even back to Boone.

College News, Global Learning, Alumni, Students, Outreach & Community Engagement
Dr. Baker Perry, professor in Appalachian State University’s Department of Geography and Planning, right, and his expedition team member Dr. Tom Matthews, work on the automated weather station at the Mount Everest Base Camp. Perry and Matthews were members of the 2019 National Geographic and Rolex Perpetual Planet Everest Expedition. Learn more at Photo by Freddie Wilkinson, National Geographic.

App State leads climate research at the top of the world
Dec 16, 2021

Appalachian State University has stepped onto the world stage as the lead institution to coordinate the operation and maintenance of weather stations at the highest elevation on the planet — Mount Everest.

College News, Faculty & Staff, Sustainability, Global Learning, Grants & Research, Students
Mortarboard decorating skills were on display at the Fall 2021 Commencement ceremonies held Dec. 10 at Appalachian State University. Photo by Chase Reynolds

More than 1,600 degrees conferred at App State’s Fall 2021 Commencement
Dec 15, 2021

Mountaineer graduates waved to their families and friends, pumped fists into the air and even shed a few happy tears at Appalachian State University’s Fall 2021 Commencement ceremonies on Dec. 10.

College News, University News, Students, Alumni, Awards & Honors
Assistant professor Dr. Michael Reddish, left, and Ethan Harris test samples in the lab in Appalachian State University’s A.R. Smith Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences, where they investigate treatments for triple-negative breast cancer — work funded by a grant from the North Carolina Biotechnology Center. Harris is a senior from Clemmons who is double majoring in chemistry-biochemistry and biology-cellular/molecular biology. Photo by Chase Reynolds

App State team researches treatments for aggressive breast cancer
Dec 10, 2021

 A research team at Appalachian State University is investigating effective treatments for one of the most aggressive types of breast cancer — with the goal of reducing adverse side effects.

College News, Grants & Research, Faculty & Staff, Students
Eddie Bowling, a current Forsyth Master of Public Administration (MPA) graduate student and the fire chief in Thomasville. Photo submitted.

Grant writing pays off for one MPA graduate student
Dec 8, 2021

Eddie Bowling, a current Forsyth county Master of Public Administration (MPA) graduate student and the fire chief in Thomasville participated in a summer grant writing class led by Dr.

College News, Students, Grants & Research, Outreach & Community Engagement
The 2021–22 recipients of Appalachian State University’s Dr. Willie C. Fleming Scholarship — a merit-based award designed to support students from underrepresented populations. Pictured, from left to right, are Charles Johnson III, of Parkton; R.J. Johnson Jr., of Franklinton; Victoria Smith, of Raleigh; and Khaden Watson, of Charlotte. Photos of Charles Johnson III and Victoria Smith submitted. Photo of R.J. Johnson Jr. and Khaden Watson by Chase Reynolds

App State announces 4 recipients of its Dr. Willie C. Fleming Scholarship
Nov 22, 2021

Four first-year students at Appalachian State University have been named recipients of the Dr. Willie C.

College News, Students, Grants & Research