Professors honored at Faculty & Staff Awards
Nov 4, 2015
BOONE - Last Tuesday, October 27, 2015, the College of Arts and Science at Appalachian State University honored exemplary faculty and staff at their annual Faculty & Staff Awards Ceremony & Reception.
College News, Faculty & Staff, Awards & HonorsAppalachian student/faculty delegation presents at conference in Romania
Oct 13, 2015
BOONE—A delegation from the Center for Appalachian Studies at Appalachian State University traveled to Brasov, Romania, recently to present research at the Appalachians/Carpathians: Researching, Documenting, and Preserving Highland Traditions conference.
College News, Faculty & Staff, Students, Events, Global LearningAssistant Professor Kristen Deathridge nominated to the North Carolina State National Registry Advisory Council
Oct 12, 2015
BOONE - Professor Kristen Deathridge, Assistant Professor in the Department of History, was recently appoint
College News, Faculty & Staff, Awards & HonorsAppalachian Anthropology professor invited to speak at Cornell conference on prisons in Honduras
Oct 7, 2015
BOONE - On October 5th, Dr.
College News, Faculty & Staff, EventsRosenberg honored by Global Science and Technology Forum
Oct 7, 2015
BOONE—Professor Ed Rosenberg, director of Appalachian State University's gerontology program, and two colleagues from Thailand were honored recently at the 5th annual Political Science, Sociology and International Relations Conference held in Bangkok.
College News, Faculty & Staff, Awards & HonorsProfessor receives NIH grant to study the relationships between mood and memory
Sep 24, 2015
BOONE—A little memory loss as you age might be a good thing.
College News, Grants & Research, Faculty & StaffAppalachian State University receives $1.1 million grant to support mathematics and science teacher preparation
Sep 11, 2015
Faculty members at Appalachian State University have received a National Science Foundation grant for $1,165,039 to support a Noyce Scholarship Program.
College News, Faculty & Staff, Grants & ResearchProfessors at Appalachian receive NSF grant to study dome formation in Georgia and Western North Carolina
Aug 21, 2015
BOONE—The Tallulah Gorge area in Georgia and Toxaway Falls in Gorges State Park in Western North Carolina are well known for their beauty and outdoor recreational offerings.
College News, Faculty & Staff, Grants & ResearchComputer scientist at Appalachian helps researchers track honey bee health
Jul 6, 2015
BOONE—Tracking the health of honeybees across the U.S. is the work of a multi-university team, including a computer scientist at Appalachian State University.
College News, Faculty & Staff, SustainabilityResearch team studies a local water resource, wins a national award
Jul 2, 2015
Dr. Kristan Cockerill, Assistant Professor in Cultural, Gender and Global Studies and Dr.
College News, Faculty & Staff, Grants & Research