Faculty & Staff

 total of seven Appalachian State University faculty received Fulbright awards for 2019–20 as a result of the 2018 Fulbright competition: six as Fulbright Scholars and one as a Fulbright Administrator. Photos collage by University Communications.

App State receives record number of Fulbright awards for faculty
Nov 4, 2019

A total of seven Appalachian State University faculty received Fulbright awards for 2019–20 as a result of the 2018 Fulbright competition: six as Fulbright Scholars and one as a Fulbright Administrator. This represents a record number of Fulbrights for Appalachian.

College News, Faculty & Staff, Global Learning, Grants & Research, Awards & Honors
Interviewee Bill Alexander, right, instructs Appalachian State University graduate student Chelsey Johnson, of Knoxville, Tennessee, in how to strip hickory bark for lacing baskets and weaving chair bottoms. Johnson interviewed Alexander for her South Arts-funded grant project documenting living folk traditions in Appalachia. Johnson is an M.A. candidate in Appalachian State University’s Appalachian studies program. Photo by Jesse Barber

South Arts supports App State documentary on living folk traditions in Appalachia
Nov 1, 2019

Living folk traditions practiced by the people of diverse cultures in Western North Carolina will be preserved for generations to come thanks to the documentary work of Appalachian State University graduate student Chelsey Johnson, an M.A.

College News, Faculty & Staff, Students, Grants & Research, Arts & Cultural
Toad bones from the pit at the Western North Carolina site, examined by Dr. Tom Whyte, professor of anthropology at Appalachian, and student researchers in his Experimental Archaeology class. Photo submitted

The archaeologist and the headless toads: A ‘trilling’ tale from Appalachian’s Dr. Tom Whyte
Oct 30, 2019

Dr. Tom Whyte likes to dig in the dirt — and solve old mysteries while he’s at it.

College News, Faculty & Staff, Grants & Research, Arts & Cultural
Dr. Steve Hageman, professor, Department of Geological and Environmental Studies of Appalachian State University, recipient of the Geological Society of America Fellowship. Photo by University Communications.

Steve Hageman awarded a Geological Society of America Fellowship
Oct 29, 2019

Dr. Steve Hageman 
Department of Geological and Environmental Studies 

GSA Fellowship 

College News, Faculty & Staff, Awards & Honors
Dr. Holly Hirst, Department of Mathematical Sciences and Dr. Timothy Smith, Department of Anthropology recognized for excellence in teaching 2018-19. Photos by University Communications.

7 App State faculty members recognized for teaching excellence
Oct 25, 2019

Appalachian State University recognized seven faculty members for excellence in teaching during its Fall 2019 Faculty and Staff Meeting held Friday, Sept. 6, on Appalachian’s campus.

College News, Faculty & Staff, Awards & Honors
Dr. Sarah J. Greenwald, professor in Appalachian’s Department of Mathematical Sciences. She has been named among the 2020 class of Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Fellows. The AWM Fellows Program recognizes individuals who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to the support and advancement of women in the mathematical sciences. Photo submitted

Dr. Sarah J. Greenwald named among 2020 Association for Women in Mathematics Fellows
Oct 24, 2019

The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) has named Dr. Sarah J. Greenwald, professor in Appalachian State University’s Department of Mathematical Sciences, among its 2020 AWM Fellows.

College News, Faculty & Staff, Awards & Honors
CAS Faculty and Staff Award Winners 2018-19 (L to R): Amanda Howell (CFS), Marta Toran (GES), Ellen Lamont (SOC), Larry Bridges (CS), Lynn Siefferman (BIO), Craig Fischer (ENG), Misa Yamamoto (LLC), Joseph Gonzalez (IDS), Beverly Moser (LLC), Ellen Key (GJS), Lauri Miller (GES), Jill Ehnenn (ENG), Maggie Sugg (GHY) and Diane Mines (ANT). Photo by Ellen Gwin Burnette

CAS Faculty and Staff Awards 2018-19
Oct 24, 2019

Each year the College of Arts and Sciences hosts a luncheon to celebrate the many faculty and staff in the college and to recognize outstanding faculty and staff with the following awards:

College News, Faculty & Staff, Awards & Honors
A hand placing a ballot in a box. Stock image.

Election Security Forum panel discussion: Future security in the N.C. election system
Oct 22, 2019

Friday, Nov. 1, 2019
3-5 p.m.
Gordon Gathering Hall, Reich College of Education Building, 151 College St.
This event is co-sponsored by the Departments of Computer Science and Government and Justice Studies at Appalachain State University.

College News, Events, Outreach & Community Engagement, Faculty & Staff