College News

“The Most Unknown” is a feature-length documentary featuring Appalachian’s Dr. Rachel Smith, assistant professor in the university’s Department of Physics and Astronomy. Internet Movie Database (IMDb) image

Appalachian assistant professor featured in documentary on humanity’s big questions
Jun 11, 2018

How did life begin? What is dark matter? What is consciousness? How much do we really know? These essential questions have fueled scientific inquiry for generations.

College News, Faculty & Staff
“Jordan and the Arab Uprisings: Regime Survival and Politics Beyond the State,” by Dr. Curtis Ryan, professor of political science at Appalachian State University. The book is published by Columbia University Press. Columbia University Press image

‘Jordan and the Arab Uprisings’ — the latest book by Appalachian’s Curtis Ryan — published by Columbia University Press
Jun 8, 2018

In “Jordan and the Arab Uprisings: Regime Survival and Politics Beyond the State,” the latest book by Dr.

College News, Faculty & Staff
2018 Wilson Scholars

Appalachian State University announces 2018 Wilson Scholars
Jun 7, 2018

Six students have been named Wilson Scholars at Appalachian State University. The Wilson Scholars Program is the university’s premier, merit-based scholarship program that blends academic excellence, leadership and service.

College News, Students, Awards & Honors
Adrienne Stumb (right) with her student Maci Cook (left)

Secondary English education alumna partners with Appalachian State University to design grant that will support interdisciplinary unit for seventh-grade students
Jun 5, 2018

English Language Arts and Social Studies teacher, Adrienne Stumb ’02, worked closely with Dr. Elizabeth Frye, Department of Reading Education and Special Education and Dr. Craig Fischer, Department of English, to curate a comic-con style event at Bethel Elementary school.

College News, Students
Tori Tensi. Photo by Ellen Gwin Burnette

Senior Sociology Major Tori Tensi: CAS Corps Feature of the Month
Jun 4, 2018

The CAS Corps are chosen to  serve as representatives to all constituents of the College of Arts and Sciences and to create, promote and execute opportunities for academic and professional growth.

College News, Students, CAS Corps
Taylor Boyd

Taylor Boyd, Sociology Alum Hard at Work!
Jun 1, 2018

Meet Taylor Boyd. Taylor obtained his Bachelor of Science degree from Appalachian State University in the Fall of 2014.

College News, Alumni
Data and Assessment Specialist Jim Dees in Appalachian State University, right, shows visitors from Kurdistan, Iraq, a mobile app during a campus tour of Appalachian’s sustainability initiatives. Photo credit: Marie Freeman.

When Erbil Meets Boone: Appalachian State University Hosts Visitors From Kurdistan, Iraq
May 30, 2018

Over the last few decades, the United States’ relationship with Iraq has been tense, to say the least.

College News, University News
Photo of the St. Francis’ satyr butterfly. Photo courtesy of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Poet Joseph Bathanti’s ‘Saint Francis’s Satyr Butterfly’
May 29, 2018

For Memorial Day, North Carolina Poet Laureate Emeritus Joseph Bathanti shared one of his poems originally published in War, Literature & the Arts: An International Journal of the Humanities, which is published by the Department of English and Fine Arts at the United States Air Force...

College News, Events