SAFE Grant

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Robert Lewis '19, Physics and Astronomy

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Robert Lewis '19, Physics and Astronomy
Jul 22, 2020

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Robert Lewis ‘19, Physics and AstronomyRobert Lewis was an undergraduate student in from Bailey, N.C. Student and...

SAFE Grant Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Elizabeth Alison Gulley

SAFE Grant Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Elizabeth Alison Gulley
Jul 15, 2020

Dr. Elizabeth Alison GulleyAssistant Professor, Department of EnglishStudent and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) fund recipientProject: “Beowulf's Af...

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Haley Black '20, Psychology

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Haley Black '20, Psychology
Jul 8, 2020

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Haley Black ‘20, PsychologyHaley Black was a graduate student in Psychology from Greensboro, N.C. Student and Fac...

SAFE Grant Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Ellen Lamont

SAFE Grant Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Ellen Lamont, Sociology
Jul 1, 2020

Dr. Ellen LamontAssistant Professor, Honors CoordinatorStudent and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) fund recipientProject:“The Mating Game: Courtship ...

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Tyler Harris '20, Biochemistry and Cell/Molecular Biology

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Tyler Harris '20, Biochemistry and Cell/Molecular Biology
Jun 24, 2020

Tyler Harris was an undergraduate student from Raleigh, N.C.Student and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) fund recipient Project: “Oxidative Stress and...

SAFE Grant Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Beverly Moser, Languages, Literatures and Cultures

SAFE Grant Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Beverly Moser, Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Jun 17, 2020

Dr. Beverly MoserProfessor, Department of Languages, Literatures and CulturesStudent and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) fund recipient Project: “The...