Grants & Research

SAFE grant recipient, Dr. Cameron Lippard

SAFE Grant Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Cameron Lippard
Feb 2, 2021

Dr. Cameron Lippard 

Professor and Department Chair, Department of Sociology 
Student and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) fund recipient 

College News, SAFE Grant, Faculty & Staff, Grants & Research
Fulbright Week February 16-18, 2021

Fulbright Week 2021
Feb 1, 2021

The Fulbright Scholar Program offers over 500 teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in over 125 countries.

College News, Events, Faculty & Staff, Grants & Research
Caroline Fehlman, sophomore and undergraduate research assistant for the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences. Photo Submitted.

Sophomore Contributes to Essential Climate Change Research
Jan 29, 2021

Caroline Fehlman, from Jefferson, North Carolina, although only a sophomore, is already playing a role in influential research. She is currently assisting Appalachian State University scientists and researchers in analyzing climate change and sustainable development goals. 

College News, Students, Grants & Research, Sustainability
This October 2020 photo shows a free-flowing New River, unimpeded by the Payne Branch dam that was removed from its Middle Fork as part of the grant-funded environmental restoration project completed by Appalachian State University’s New River Light and Power. Young trees planted near the river as part of the project are visible in the foreground and will help stabilize the river’s banks. Photo by Matt Makdad

How New River got its flow back: App State’s NRLP completes Payne Branch environmental restoration project
Jan 27, 2021

After nearly three months of demolition, construction and restoration efforts, New River Light and Power (NRLP) — Appalachian State University’s nonprofit electric utility — has completed its grant-funded project to remove the

College News, Outreach & Community Engagement, Grants & Research, Sustainability
Department of Philosophy and Religion

Grant-supported App State project explores relationship between religious studies and public issues
Jan 26, 2021

With a $50,000 grant from the Henry Luce Foundation, religious studies faculty at Appalachian State University are envisioning teaching and scholarship methods in their field that explore the relationship of religion to topics at the center of public con

College News, Outreach & Community Engagement, Faculty & Staff, Grants & Research
Philip Hinson, SAFE fund recipient

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Philip Hinson '20, Psychology
Jan 22, 2021

SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Philip Hinson '20, Psychology Philip Hinson was a graduate student from Gastonia, N.C. College News, SAFE Grant, Grants & Research, Alumni
Appalachian State University scientists Dr. Gregg Marland, left and Dr. Dennis Gilfillan ’08 are among 86 scientists worldwide who contributed their expertise to the Global Carbon Project’s 2020 Global Carbon Budget — an annual, in-depth report on the amount of CO2 produced by the world’s nations and how much enters the ocean, is taken up by growing plants or accumulates in the atmosphere. Marland holds a dual appointment as an adjunct research professor in App State’s Department of Geological and Environme

Climate change and the rise of CO2: App State scientists contribute to 2020 Global Carbon Budget
Jan 19, 2021

The Global Carbon Project (GCP) has released its annual 2020 Global Carbon Budget, which estimates CO2 emissions for the year have decreased by 2.4 billion tons — the largest drop ever recorded, according to GCP.

College News, Faculty & Staff, Grants & Research, Sustainability
A bat displaying signs of white-nose syndrome — a fungal disease that, according to the National Park Service (NPS), has killed millions of U.S. bats since its discovery in 2006. Dr. Mark Spond, Appalachian State University’s liaison to NPS, recently conducted studies of bats along North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Parkway as part of an NPS grant-funded project — data from which will help expand NPS knowledge of the parkway’s rare and WNS-affected bat populations. NPS image

App State funded to study rare bats along Blue Ridge Parkway area, investigate disease
Jan 8, 2021

With grant-funded assistance from Appalachian State University, the National Park Service (NPS) is expanding its knowledge of rare bat species found along North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Parkway, as well as parkway species that may be infec

College News, Faculty & Staff, Students, Grants & Research, Outreach & Community Engagement
Dr. Rahman Tashakkori, Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Science explains the zoombox capabilites over a zoom call.

A New Way to Zoom: App State Computer Science Professor’s Design
Dec 9, 2020

Dr. Rahman Tashakkori, department chair and professor in the Department of Computer Science, has helped design and build an inexpensive way to read documents over Zoom calls.

College News, Faculty & Staff, Grants & Research, STEM, Sustainability
Aidan Keaveney, sophomore, double majoring in Applied Physics - Mathematical Physics &  Mathematics - General Mathematics. Photo submitted.

CAS Corps Feature: Aidan Keaveney
Dec 4, 2020

The CAS Corps are chosen to serve as representatives to all constituents of the College of Arts and Sciences and to create, promote and execute opportunities for academic and professional growth.

College News, Students, CAS Corps, Grants & Research