Appalachian faculty, students and alumni providing outreach in STEAM to community grade school
Jan 10, 2018
Six faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences in mid-November judged Science Fair projects completed by fourth, fifth and sixth graders at Blue Ridge Elementary School in Ashe County.
College News, Faculty & Staff, Students, AlumniPresident of the American Chemical Society visits Appalachian Chemistry Department
Jan 9, 2018
Dr. Allison A. Campbell, President of the American Chemical Society and Director of Earth and Biological Sciences at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory spent a day visiting with the Department of Chemistry, in the College of Arts and Sciences at Appalachian State University.
College News, Faculty & StaffAppalachian Studies faculty member at Appalachian State University attracts global interest with film “After Coal”
Jan 5, 2018
Appalachian Studies faculty member and documentary filmmaker Tom Hansell will present, on two continents this spring, “After Coal” a feature length documentary film that explores how coal mining communities survive after industry moves on.
College News, Faculty & StaffFaculty of Distinction
Dec 21, 2017
Appalachian attracts and retains an exceptionally talented and committed faculty. Small classes and close interactions between faculty and students create a strong sense of community, which has become an Appalachian hallmark.
College News, Faculty & StaffDr. Dana Powell publishes new book on Navajo (Diné) sovereignty and energy development
Dec 21, 2017
Dr. Dana Powell has published a new book on Navajo (Diné) sovereignty and energy development. It appears in the "New Ecologies for the Twenty-First Century" series by Duke University Press.
College News, Faculty & StaffCaldwell County Sheriff’s Office names Alum 2017 Employee of the Year
Dec 21, 2017
Cpl. Matt Taylor was recently picked by the command staff at the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office to receive the “2017 Employee of the Year” award. Taylor graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Appalachian State University in 2011.
College News, Faculty & Staff, Awards & Honors2017 Linda Flowers Literary Award Recipient: Aaron Ballance
Dec 7, 2017
On November 4, 2017 the North Carolina Humanities Council announced Mr.
College News, Faculty & Staff, Awards & HonorsLocal resident’s research honored
Nov 30, 2017
Known for her work in the field of sediments and sedimentary rocks, Liutkus-Pierce said the environments in which the ancestors of humans lived and how those dynamic environments may have influenced human evolution are her real passion.
College News, Faculty & StaffAppalachian Carbon Research Group (ACRG) Hosts Successful Forest Offset Workshop
Nov 30, 2017
The Appalachian Carbon Research Group at ASU is an interdisciplinary and collaborative group of students, staff, and faculty, who are studying carbon dioxide emissions, carbon accounting, and carbon offset possibilities.
College News, Grants & Research, Faculty & StaffDr. Robert Hill, Appointed to North Carolina Psychology Board
Nov 14, 2017
According to his students. Dr. Hill has said that, given the diversity of human behavior and personality, “being normal is a myth, and often overrated.”
College News, Faculty & Staff