CAS continues Zoomer Series for Alumni Engagement
Sep 21, 2020
Over the summer and in the midst of a global pandemic, the College of Arts and Sciences started a virtual zoom series to engage with Appalachian alumni and friends.
College News, Events, Outreach & Community Engagement, Alumni, Faculty & StaffAppalachian alumna publishes children’s book on vaccines
Sep 20, 2020
Andrea Cudd Alemanni ’89 was inspired to write “Ava Antibody Explains Your Body and Vaccines” by reflecting on her own experiences taking her children to the doctor to get vaccines.
College News, AlumniApp State S-STEM alumnus gives back to support future scholars
Sep 3, 2020
Appalachian State University’s Department of Computer Science recognizes Clinton Freeman ’11 and his company of employment, Valve Corporation, for the generous donation of $6500 to the departm
College News, Alumni, Students, STEM, Outreach & Community EngagementApp State coronavirus information
Aug 17, 2020
Just a reminder, to stay informed visit the App State Coronavirus website for updates and more.
College News, University News, Students, Faculty & Staff, AlumniA career high note — 2 App State alumni nominated for 2021 Music Educator Award
Aug 13, 2020
Of the 2,000 nominations submitted for the eighth annual 2021 Music Educator Award, two Appalachian State University alumni have been named award quarterfinalists.
College News, Alumni, Awards & HonorsThen and Now: Rick Carpenter, Geography and Planning
Aug 3, 2020
Rick Carpenter '11, '15
M.A. Geography, Urban and Regional Planning
From Spartanburg, S.C.
College News, Then & Now, AlumniThen and Now: Ben Dannemiller, Geography and Planning
Jul 27, 2020
Ben Dannemiller '11, '15
B.S. Geography, (GIS)M.A. Geography, Urban and Regional Planning College News, Then & Now, Alumni
SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Robert Lewis '19, Physics and Astronomy
Jul 22, 2020
SAFE Grant Student Spotlight: Robert Lewis ‘19, Physics and Astronomy
Robert Lewis was an undergraduate student in from Bailey, N.C.
College News, Alumni, SAFE Grant, Grants & Research, Faculty & StaffN.C. COVID-19 Student Response Corps offers alumni and students opportunities for partnership
Jul 17, 2020
Students from colleges and universities across North Carolina unexpectedly lost internships due to COVID-19. At the same time, many local government and nonprofit organizations have been overwhelmed in response to needs related to COVID-19.
College News, Alumni, Students, Outreach & Community EngagementThen and Now: John Misenheimer, Psychology
Jul 14, 2020
John Misenheimer '16
M.A. Industrial- Organizational Psychology and Human Resource ManagementFrom Raleigh, N.C. THEN College News, Then & Now, Alumni, Departmental News