

The Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management (IOHRM) Program is an Interdisciplinary M.A. degree offered by the Departments of Psychology and Management, to prepare professionals for work in business, industry and government. As part of the only cross-disciplinary master's degree program in the nation, students have the unique opportunity to leverage the application of I-O Psychology to business.


TrackMan Baseball is used for player evaluation and development by all major league and minor league teams in the U.S. as well as teams abroad, and is the leading technology in the baseball industry, driving the next generation of analytics. The College of Arts and Sciences purchased and supported the installation of TrackMan Baseball technology into Appalachian’s Jim and Bettie Smith Stadium to create an unprecedented opportunity for students to gain first-hand experience with sports analytics and data sciences.

Helping Give Away Psychological Science (HGAPS) research partnership

The Ambulatory Surgical Center Team and the Department of Psychology at Appalachian have been collaborating with Dr. Eric Youngstrom and his Helping Give Away Psychological Science (HGAPS) group at UNC Chapel Hill since the fall of 2017 on their on-going, multi-year project to build a comprehensive set of open-access psychological resources on Wikipedia and its sister site, Wikiversity. Appalachian's efforts have been focused on suicide prevention.

Department of English

This collaboration began when Walzer was the Writing Center Director at Northeastern University. She and Habre have partnered their writing centers to facilitate joint discussions, joint training sessions, international visits and more.

TEA Fellows Program

Departments of English, Mathematical Science, Biology, and more

University of Zululand

The University of Zululand is one of Appalachian’s international partners located in Ezikhaweni, in the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal, designated as the only comprehensive institutions of higher learning north of the uThukela River.

Appalachia Online

A collection of digital projects developed by the Center with the support of the Appalachian Journal and the W.L. Eury Appalachian Collection and Belk Library and Information Commons. Through collaborations on the campus of Appalachian State University, student participation in digital research, and community partnerships across mountain regions, Appalachia Online seeks to expand the University's mission to engage as "stewards of our state's interconnected financial, cultural and natural resources." The first few projects include:

Research Institute for Environment, Energy and Economics (RIEEE)

Appalachian's Research Institute for Environment, Energy, and Economics (RIEEE) was established in November 2008 to enhance opportunities for faculty and students whose research interests involve the environment, energy and economics and especially intersections thereof.  We do this by supporting interdisciplinary research clusters, fostering beneficial collaborations and associations, funding student research grants and offering post-award grants management for funded projects.