Advancement Council Bylaws

Advancement Council for the College of Arts & Sciences Appalachian State University

Approved: September 26, 1997
Revised: November 2, 2019

ARTICLE I — Philosophy
Major financial support is necessary to ensure the growth and development of the College of Arts and Sciences. This support can only be garnered from informed, interested individuals who feel involved in the goals of the College of Arts and Sciences. The Advancement Council for the College of Arts and Sciences provides an opportunity for individuals to become more involved and interested, which greatly increases their likelihood of providing major financial support, assistance in soliciting other gifts for the College, as well as, helping with employment, internships, and connections.

ARTICLE II — Purpose
The primary purpose of the Advancement Council is to use its members' influence and affluence to further the goals of the College of Arts and Sciences.

The goal of the Advancement Council is to organize a core group of volunteers interested in the College of Arts and Sciences who will support the College in significant ways. The best volunteers are themselves committed and generous donors who possess the ability to connect and motivate others as potential supporters of the College of Arts and Sciences.

ARTICLE IV — Objectives

a) To connect the College of Arts and Sciences with corporations, and foundations that may be willing to financially support the College.
b) To serve as a forum for the College of Arts and Sciences to share its strengths and future directions.
c) To promote the College of Arts and Sciences to external constituents.
d) To make a minimum personal financial commitment to the College of Arts and Sciences of $1,000 per family, per year.

ARTICLE V — Membership
The Council will be comprised of interested alumni and friends of the College of Arts and Sciences whose purpose is to advance the College through their time, talent, and gifts.

a) Voting Members: The Council shall be comprised of not more than 30 members serving three-year terms beginning on July 1 and expiring on June 30. Members are recruited by members of the Council and College, nominated by the Membership Committee, and voted on by the Council. Members may serve an additional threeyear term based on mutual agreement between the individual and the Dean. Members may be reappointed after at least one-year break in service. In no event, should a member serve more than two consecutive terms. Members shall receive no compensation for their services.

b) Members may be voted on electronically in between fall and spring meetings.

c) Non-voting Ex Officio Members: The Dean and the Director of Development for the College of Arts and Sciences shall serve as ex officio members of the Council.

ARTICLE VI — Officers

The Council shall have a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson nominated by the Membership Committee and elected by the Council.

a) The Chairperson's duties shall include:

i. Preside at all meetings of the Council.

ii. Work with the Executive Committee in developing the agenda for Council meetings.

iii. Appoint such ad hoc committees as are necessary to conduct the business of the Council.

iv. Assume such other duties as are necessary for the effective functioning of the Council.

v. The term of the Chairperson shall be for two years.

b) The Vice-Chairperson's duties shall include:

i. Serve as Chairperson-elect of the Council.

ii. Preside at meetings in the absence of the Chairperson.

iii. Assume other duties as necessary for the effective functioning of the council.

iv. The term of the Vice-Chairperson shall be for two years.

ARTICLE VII — Committees

a) Executive Committee The members of the Executive Committee shall be the Chairperson of the Council, the Vice Chairperson of the Council, the Chairs of Committees, the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Director of Development for the College of Arts and Sciences. The Executive Committee shall meet on a quarterly basis. The Executive Committee's responsibilities include: i. Develop the agenda for Council Meetings. ii. Consider special needs of the College.

b) Membership Committee The members of the Membership Committee shall include the Chairperson of the Council and the Immediate Past Chairperson of the Council. The Membership Committee's responsibilities include:

i. Nominate the Chairperson of the Council.

ii. Nominate the Vice-Chairperson of the Council.

iii. Receive and nominate new members to the Council.

iv. Maintain membership attendance at meetings. Membership Committee Chairperson is responsible for records of members.

c) Project Committees As projects are determined by the Council, members will be assigned committee work for the projects. The chairperson can appoint ad hoc committees as needed to assist in conducting the business of the Council. The Chairperson shall appoint a chair for each committee.


a) Business Meetings Business meetings will be held at least two times per year, in the fall and in the spring. At least one of the meetings will be on the University campus. Special meetings may be called as they are needed. Notices and agendas of regular meetings will be sent three weeks prior to meeting date. The Chairperson of the Council shall preside over the meetings. The Executive Committee shall develop the agenda for each meeting.

b) Attendance Members should attend at least one meeting per academic year. The membership status of those unable to attend at least one meeting per academic year will be reviewed by the Executive Committee. Attendance follow up is the responsibility of the Membership Committee Chairperson.

c) Quorum Quorum will be a majority of the membership, present in person or represented by proxy, at any regular meeting or special meeting of the board. If a quorum is not present at any meeting of the board, a majority of the members present and represented by proxy may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice. Any such adjourned meeting at which a quorum exists shall constitute the meeting as originally scheduled.

ARTICLE IX — Amendments
The bylaws may be altered or amended at any duly held meeting of the Council. Notice of any proposed change must be on the agenda of a meeting at which the change is to be considered. A majority vote of the members present shall be required for an amendment to be passed.