“Drawing to Tell Stories” with Illustrator Christine Nishiyama
Thursday, February 6, 2025, from 6-7 p.m.
Blowing Rock Art and History Museum (159 Ginny Stevens Lane, Blowing Rock, NC 28605)
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BOONE, N.C. — Appalachian State University's High Country Humanities and the Blowing Rock Art and History Museum (BRAHM) are collaborating to present a series of free public events related to the museum’s upcoming exhibit of the Children’s Illustration Collection, which will run from December 20, 2024, through June 8, 2025.
The second event in the series is a workshop called “Drawing to Tell Stories,” led by local illustrator Christine Nishiyama, on Thursday, February 6, 2025, from 6-7 p.m. at BRAHM (159 Ginny Stevens Lane in Blowing Rock).
Nishiyama is the author and/or illustrator of seven books, including the four-book series Layla and the Bots, published by Scholastic. She also self-published one independent children’s picture book and two independent craft books. Besides creating books, she writes weekly essays for her email newsletter and teaches online classes with more than 100,000 students. To learn more about Nishiyama, visit her website at might-could.com.
During the interactive workshop on February 6, Nishiyama will speak about her experiences as a professional illustrator and will introduce the craft to participants of all ages. No prior knowledge or experience drawing is necessary. The event is free and open to the public. Space is limited, so it is recommended that participants reserve a spot at blowingrockmuseum.org/calendar/draw.
For more information, visit hchumanities.appstate.edu or contact Dr. Darci Gardner, director of High Country Humanities, by email at gardnerdl1@appstate.edu or by phone at (828) 262-2928.
About High Country Humanities
High Country Humanities at Appalachian State University aims to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of the humanities across the High Country region of North Carolina. The program supports faculty in their scholarly activities, promotes their collaborations with community partners and organizes events that help their expertise reach the wider public. High Country Humanities is an initiative of App State’s College of Arts and Sciences, with support from the Division of Academic Affairs. Learn more at hchumanities.appstate.edu.