“Beulah Campbell’s Legacy: Celebrating Children’s Literature and Art” with Margaret Gregor and Jackie Eagleson
Thursday, February 27, 2025, from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Blowing Rock Art and History Museum (159 Ginny Stevens Lane, Blowing Rock, NC 28605)
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BOONE, N.C. — Appalachian State University's High Country Humanities and the Blowing Rock Art and History Museum (BRAHM) are collaborating to present a series of free public events related to the museum’s upcoming exhibit of the Children’s Illustration Collection, which will run from December 20, 2024, through June 8, 2025.
The third event in the series is a presentation titled “Beulah Campbell’s Legacy: Celebrating Children’s Literature and Art,” led by University Libraries faculty members Margaret Gregor and Jackie Eagleson, on Thursday, February 27, 2025, from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. at BRAHM (159 Ginny Stevens Lane in Blowing Rock).
Many believe that literature serves as a window to the world for children, and Beulah Campbell embodied that belief throughout her life. As a professor of elementary education at Appalachian State, she understood the vital connection between illustrations and text in children's books. Over her 40-year career, Beulah built a collection of original artwork by renowned children’s book illustrators, while also fostering a deep appreciation for children’s literature in her students. She developed lasting relationships with these authors and illustrators, bringing them to Boone to collaborate directly with her students. The artwork she collected reflected both the rich heritage of Appalachia and the diverse cultures of the United States, teaching future educators the importance of ensuring that students can see themselves represented in the books they read and the art they admire.
Speakers Margaret Gregor, Coordinator of the Instructional Materials Center and Martha and Nancy Lee Bivens Distinguished Professor for Children and Reading at Appalachian, and Jackie Eagleson, Information Literacy Librarian for the Social Sciences and Assistant Professor at Appalachian, will discuss Beulah’s legacy and the art she collected.
The event is open to the public. Admission to BRAHM is free. Admission to the talk costs $8, and attendees are encouraged to purchase tickets in advance at blowingrockmuseum.org/calendar/beulah.
For more information, visit hchumanities.appstate.edu or contact Dr. Darci Gardner, director of High Country Humanities, by email at gardnerdl1@appstate.edu or by phone at (828) 262-2928.
About High Country Humanities
High Country Humanities at Appalachian State University aims to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of the humanities across the High Country region of North Carolina. The program supports faculty in their scholarly activities, promotes their collaborations with community partners and organizes events that help their expertise reach the wider public. High Country Humanities is an initiative of App State’s College of Arts and Sciences, with support from the Division of Academic Affairs. Learn more at hchumanities.appstate.edu.