The Department of Anthropology Presents: "Dirt" as Artifact: Geoarchaeology and the Study of "Prepared Surfaces" with Dr. Sarah C. Sherwood of Sewanee, The University of the South.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
5 p.m.
Belk Library, Room 114
This presentation begins with the importance of looking at the matrix, or the "dirt" that surrounds traditional artifacts from the perspective of the interdisciplinary field of geoarchaeology. Often these deposits are as critical to reconstructing past human activity as pot sherds and projectile points.
There will be a brief review on some of the methods used in geoarchaeology to collect data across scales to refine archaeological context. Sherwood's focus in particular is on prepared clay surfaces from both here in the Southeastern U.S. and abroad. Using different scales, she looks at how to identify these features and will discuss ways to discern their function.
Dr. Sarah C. Sherwood is an Associate Professor and Co-Chair of the Department of Earth and Environmental Systems and the University Archaeologist at Sewanee, The University of the South. She earned her B.S. from James Madison University and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
She is an Anthropological Archaeologist with a specialty in Geoarchaeology. On the Southern Cumberland Plateau, she is specifically interested in prehistoric land use change over time and site formation processes of sandstone rockshelters.
This event is sponsored by the Departments of Anthropology, History and Geological and Environmental Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences at Appalachian State University.
About the Department of Anthropology
The Department of Anthropology offers a comparative and holistic approach to the study of the human experience. The anthropological perspective provides a broad understanding of the origins as well as the meaning of physical and cultural diversity in the world — past, present and future. Learn more at
About the Department of History
The Department of History offers a broad curriculum in local, national, regional and world history at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, which encourages history majors to develop a comprehensive approach to human problems. The study of history is an essential part of a liberal arts education and offers valuable preparation for many careers, such as law, journalism, public history, public service and business, as well as in teaching and the advanced discipline of history. Learn more at
About the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences
Located in Western North Carolina, Appalachian State University provides the perfect setting to study geological and environmental sciences. The Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences provides students with a solid foundation on which to prepare for graduate school or build successful careers as scientists, consultants and secondary education teachers. The department offers six degree options in geology and two degree options in environmental science. Learn more at