Student and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) Fund

Student And Faculty Excellence (SAFE) Fund

Initially endowed by a generous gift from Hughlene and Bill Frank, the College of Arts and Sciences Student and Faculty Excellence (SAFE) Fund provides resources that can be used to transform the undergraduate and graduate experience and support faculty teaching, research, and engagement. Typical past awards range from $100 up to $2,000. These are university funds and all use of the money must comply with university spending guidelines and follow standard university policies and procedures. Note that the SAFE funds are intended to be supplementary and it is expected that you pursue other sources of funding before applying.

Faculty SAFE funds support:

  • Publication support for faculty
  • Support for outside speakers for lectures, class discussions and workshops
  • Purchase of research equipment/supplies/research participant incentives to be used by our students and faculty
  • Travel to archives or other research sites
  • Registration fees for professional development workshops

Student wages, including assistantships, and travel to conferences will NOT be supported for faculty.

Student SAFE funds support:

  • Undergraduate and graduate student travel to present at professional workshops
  • Purchase of research equipment/supplies/research participant incentives to be used by our students and faculty
  • Travel to archives or other research sites

Each year, the College of Arts and Sciences provides two funding cycles. Applications are available on InfoReady at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters. Applications for the Fall semester are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on the first Monday of October. Applications for the Spring semester are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on the second Monday of February. Faculty and students may only receive SAFE funds once per academic year.

Please contact Mark Bradbury ( with any questions.

Interested in supporting the SAFE fund? See Ways to Give.