The CAS Corps are chosen to serve as representatives to all constituents of the College of Arts and Sciences and to create, promote and execute opportunities for academic and professional growth. These students represent a variety of departments from across the College of Arts and Sciences and will represent the College at events through interaction among current students, future students, parents, donors and alumni.
Each month we will be introducing one of our ten students representing the college in the 2019-20 academic year through a question and answer format. This month, meet Max and learn about his experiences. For more about the CAS Corps, visit:
Max Martin
Geography major, Philosophy minor
From Peachland, N.C.
What clubs or organizations are you a member of?
Geography Club
Sports or hobbies?
Scholarship(s) you have received from Appalachian or while studying at Appalachian?
Geography and Planning Scholarship for International Study
Location(s) you completed or will complete an internship.
National Humanities Center in Durham, NC
Location(s) you completed or will complete a study abroad or study away.
Location(s)/lab(s) you conducted research.
Appalachian State Tree Ring Lab
Location(s) you hope to go for an internship, study abroad or research experience.
Northern Ireland
What are you most excited about this coming semester?
I am most excited to work on my senior honors thesis.
What do you like most about Boone and the surrounding community?
I enjoy the many opportunities to engage in outdoor activities such as hiking, climbing, rafting, etc.
What do you feel has been valuable in your education at Appalachian versus another institution?
The relationships I've been able to create between myself and faculty members.
Tell us about one faculty member that has made an impact on your life and how.
Naming just one is nearly impossible, but Dr. van de Gevel from the department of Geography and Planning was responsible for helping me find an internship that suited my interests and has been instrumental in my development as both a student and future scholars.
Tell us about one other connection you have made while at Appalachian - a friendship, mentor, colleague, a new found hobby or interest.
I am still great friends with a person from a nearby residence hall from my freshman year and I am grateful that living on campus has allowed me to meet said person.
What is your understanding of "sustainability" after being at Appalachian?
I have learned that sustainability is much more important than I initially thought and that it should be understood as much more than simply ensuring the survival of the next generation of people.
What is your understanding of a "liberal arts" education and do you believe Appalachian has provided that?
I understand it in terms of the word "context." The liberal arts education provided by Appalachian has taught me that the context in which something happens is everything. Asking the when, where, how and why questions instead of simply stopping at "what" happened is essential to true understanding and I think a liberal arts education can help you do just that.
What is your favorite space or place on campus?
The study room of the Geography and Planning department on the third floor of Rankin Science.
I find inspiration from …
The lived experiences of others and by crawling out of my own personal bubble.
I recharge by . . .
Playing video games, catching up with friends and playing soccer.
My favorite superhero is . . .
John Wick
My favorite place to eat in Boone is . . .
Tucker's Cafe
My favorite ice cream is . . .
My spirit animal would be . . .
A platypus
My dream job would be . . .
Professor of Political Geography
Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or your experience at Appalachian?
I'm grateful for the opportunity to have attended Appalachian. As an eighteen year old freshman, I had no desire to be at Appalachian and I had no idea why I was. I am eternally grateful to the faculty members that showed me why and that helped me discover my passions.