A public lecture on the 1918-20 Spanish flu outbreak on campus and in surrounding Watauga County will take place virtually on Friday, November 13, 2020 from 1-2 p.m. (via Zoom).
Phoebe A. Pollitt, RN, C, Ph.D., is a former associate professor in the Department of Nursing at Appalachian State University, where she also served on the Appalachian Studies program faculty. She has practiced public health nursing in Appalachia for over 20 years before she became a full-time academic. For more information about Pollitt’s work, visit: https://nursinghistory.appstate.edu.
The Humanities Council presents this Zoom event, open to all with Appalachian login credentials at: https://appstate.zoom.us/j/93765049419?pwd=OVhVSnZkMTRlTnZCMS9MeDhwall0dz09.
For more information about the talk, please contact Humanities Council member Anna Cremaldi (cremaldiam@appstate).
About the Humanities Council
Appalachian State University’s Humanities Council provides interdisciplinary opportunities and events on campus throughout the year, promoting the importance of the humanities in relationship to other fields.