Learn more about summer research internship opportunities in France on Friday, September 15 at 4 p.m. in Garwood Hall room 150. An information session will be held on future summer research opportunities and posters of completed student research conducted by Appalachian undergraduates at the University of Angers during the summer of 2017 will be presented.
For the past two summers, the University of Angers has offered summer research experiences to Appalachian students in the areas of physics, engineering, mathematics, chemistry, biology, computer science, geology and other STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). During the program, students live and work on the campus of the University of Angers. Over the last two years, 17 students participated in this program. For more information on the program, visit
Funding is available to help with the costs through the Office of Student Research and the International Research Grant (https://osr.appstate.edu/apply/international-research-grants).
Students interested in applying for this program should come to the colloquium and/or contact Dr. Tonya Coffey for more information at: coffeyts@appstate.edu.
Angers is in the heart of the Loire Valley, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site recognized for its chateaux and its natural beauty. The city is attractive for its quality of life and for its historic and artistic treasures. Angers is only 90 minutes by train from Paris, France.
Caption to image: As part of the partnership of the University of Angers with the Appalachian State University (Appalachian, Boone, NC), 7 américain.es étudiant.es license level are accueilli.es internship in various research laboratories Angers University for a period of one month and a half. Three students in the laboratories of the Faculty of Science and 4 trainees in the Istia (LARIS) on (LPG-BIAF, LAREMA and LETG.) thematic of Science and technology. A welcome reception was held in their honor in the presence of Françoise Grolleau, VP International Affairs of the AU and Tonya Coffey, professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Appalachian and coordinator of the program.