BOONE, N.C. — This year, over 30 new full-time faculty members are joining the Appalachian State University College of Arts and Sciences in both Boone and Hickory.
To learn more about some of them, read below. Note: The content below only includes the faculty members who responded to our questionnaire.
Department of Anthropology
Sophia Dent, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Biological Anthropology
- Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- B.A. from Lehigh University
Research Interests
Human Biology, Nutrition, Food Sovereignty, Indigenous Foodways, Farming
Why Appalachian?
“I joined the App State anthropology department in Fall 2020 as a Visiting Assistant Professor. I'm thrilled to now join the faculty as an Assistant Professor. My time at App so far has offered many opportunities to build exciting community-based and student-involved research and teaching collaborations. I look forward to strengthening those connections and continuing to call Boone home!”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I enjoy making kombucha and often have scobys to share.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“The best way to learn something is to teach it to somebody else - embrace opportunities to share, collaborate and give and receive feedback.”
Travis Fink, Ph.D.
Teaching Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Cultural Anthropology
- M.A. and Ph.D. in Anthropology from Tulane University
- B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Pittsburgh
Research Interests
Cultural and Environmental Anthropology, Ethnobotany, Ethnohistory, Mobility and Migration, Indigenous Historicities, Amazonia
Why Appalachian?
“I had heard great things about App State's Anthropology program in the past, and my wife is starting a position as an Assistant Professor in [the Department of] Public Health and Exercise Science.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I have spent over ten years working with indigenous groups in the Ecuadorian Amazon.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Always look for resources that can help you to achieve your goals. Sometimes they are not well advertised or well-known. I wanted to study abroad in Ecuador but did not know that funding was available until a professor told me about the Foreign Language and Areas Studies program that funded my study of the Napo Kichwa and Achuar-Shiwiar languages that facilitated my research in the Ecuadorian Amazon.”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“I like to cook and work in the garden. I have a daughter (Juniper) and a dog (Tully).”
Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences
Nancy Asen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Fermentation, Chemistry, Food Safety, Alternative Protein Sources
- Ph.D. from the University of Manitoba
Research Interests
Alternative Protein Sources (i.e., Plant-Based Proteins)
Why Appalachian?
“Mission in teaching excellence and interdisciplinary nature of the Chemistry and Fermentation programs.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I am a professional cake maker.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Hard work always pays off.”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“I aspire to own a healthy foods line.”
Peter Ejidike, Ph.D.
Program Area or Teaching Focus
General Chemistry, Labs, Inorganic, Nanotechnology
- Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Vaal University of Technology and University of South Africa
- Ph.D. from the University of Fort Hare
- M.S. from the University of Ibadan
- B.S. from the University of Ilorin
Research Interests
General Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Environmental Nanotechnology
Why Appalachian?
“Due to its name, mountaineers; willingness to contribute to community university.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“Ability to adapt amongst different age groups and cause smiles.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“The way you make your bed, you lie on it. Make hay while the sun shines.”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“To impact positively to the academic development of the students and play football.”
Jenny Kant, Ph.D.
Program Area or Teaching Focus
- Ph.D. in Chemistry and Nanoscale Science from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- B.S. in Chemistry and Physics for Secondary Education from Keene State College
Research Interests
STEM Education, Active Learning Practices
Why Appalachian?
“Quality institution and close to friends and family.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I sing in an LGBTQ+ chorus.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Using the word ‘yet’ as in, ‘I don't understand this YET,’ to keep a growth mindset.”
Jessica Mirrielees, Ph.D.
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Introductory Chemistry
- Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science from Texas A&M University
- B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Texas
Why Appalachian?
“It seems like a really nice school. I like that App State feels centered around students as people, and as members of the community, though this is just my initial impression. The town of Boone also seems really nice.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I'm an identical twin. My twin sister has an M.D. rather than a Ph.D.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“If you are worried about spending a certain number of years getting a degree, remember that those years will pass whether you go to school for that degree or not. In other words, time spent furthering your education isn't a waste, and getting a degree doesn't mean putting your life on hold. (The same can be said for other job trainings, and other important things that take a while to accomplish. Don't let the time spend on education/training deter you from going after it.)”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“My proudest accomplishments are teaching awards (as a teaching assistant in graduate school, and getting nominated by a few students last year for an award). For career aspirations, I have found that I enjoy teaching undergraduate chemistry classes, and I am happy I'm getting to do that at App State. As far as hobbies go, I play video games pretty much every day.”
Department of Computer Science
Yeganeh Madadi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Artificial Intelligence, Robotics
- Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Azad University of Tehran
- M.S. in Computer Science from Amirkabir University of Technology
- M.S. in Executive Management from the University of Tehran
- B.S. in Computer Engineering from Azad University of Karaj
Research Interests
Machine Learning, Domain Adaptation, Computer Vision, Bioinformatics
Why Appalachian?
“Appalachian State University has a wonderful blend of student-centered instruction and cutting-edge research, and I am enthusiastic about the prospect of becoming a part of it. I hope my students and I can discover valuable technologies to improve human life.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Success in life often comes from a blend of persistence, adaptability and a genuine passion for what you do. So stay curious, embrace challenges and keep pushing forward with purpose.”
Nazia Sharmin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Programming, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence
- M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at El Paso
- M.S. in Physics from the University of Texas at El Paso
- B.S. in Physics from the University of Dhaka
Research Interests
Cyber Security, Cyber Deception, Game Theory, Optimization, Machine Learning
Why Appalachian?
“Breathtaking natural surroundings, friendly city and emphasis on research. I strongly believe App State is a place where I can thrive academically and personally..”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I visited more than 30 National Parks! I plan to explore all.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“You can always find something valuable to learn from everyone.”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“I am passionate about engaging in community outreach. My involvement includes serving as Public Relations Officer for Amigo Miner and volunteering for initiatives like Project Move and Earth Day events, where I assisted underprivileged families with painting and organized activities for kids at the zoo. Additionally, I volunteered as a Tech Fellow with CodePath and delivered lectures on various computer science topics.”
Department of English
Michael Docherty, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
African American Literature
- Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of Kent
- M.A. in English and American Literature from the University of Kent
- B.A. in English Language and Literature from the University of Oxford
Research Interests
African American Literature, Literature and Culture of California and the American West, Crime Fiction, Critical Masculinities Studies
Why Appalachian?
“I was lucky enough to visit Boone in the summer of 2023 as the result of an exchange relationship that my former institution (the University of Innsbruck, Austria) has with Appalachian. I found welcoming, supportive colleagues and enthusiastic, engaged students working together in a spectacularly beautiful setting, and immediately thought that this was a place I'd love to return to on a longer-term basis if I ever got the chance. I never expected that I'd get that chance so soon, but I'm very glad about it.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I've been a bit of a career nomad so far: the USA is the third country in which I've held academic positions, having previously taught in the UK (where I'm from) and Austria. Now I'm hoping to stick around!”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“You'll regret the things you didn't do far more than you'll regret the things you did.”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“Outside academia, I'm a singer-songwriter and guitarist, so I'm really excited about getting into the rich and vibrant music scene in and around Boone.”
Peaches Hash, Ph.D. ’12 ’20
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
English Education
- Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from Appalachian State University
- Ed.S. in Curriculum and Instruction from Lincoln Memorial University
- M.A. in Academically and Intellectually Gifted Education from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- M.A. in English from Appalachian State University
- B.A. in English from Emory and Henry College
Research Interests
Arts-Based Research, Practitioner Action Research, Curriculum Studies, Composition Studies, Expressive Arts
Why Appalachian?
“After completing my master's in English and moving away to teach high school English in Tennessee, the ‘Boonerang’ brought me back to pursue my doctorate and the expressive arts concentration within the Reich College of Education (RCOE). I was lucky enough at that time to find employment as an adjunct, then a lecturer in the English department and never wanted to leave! The colleagues, students and community have greatly impacted my career and I seek to give back to an institution that has provided me with so many opportunities.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I completed a Fulbright-Hays seminar to Indonesia in 2019, which I only learned about from riding an elevator in the RCOE and applied on a whim.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Change doesn't happen because you want it to; it occurs from the steps you take to get there.”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“I enjoy mentoring creative research projects within the Honors College and beyond, so if you need a committee member for one, please reach out!”
Lora Hawkins, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
English Education
- M.Phil and Ph.D. in English Education from Columbia University
- M.A.T. in English Education from Brown University
- B.A. in English and Theatre from Warren Wilson College
Research Interests
Youth-Led Participatory Action Research; English Education; Agency in Education; Teacher Research
Why Appalachian?
“I appreciate App's commitment to teaching. It creates such a meaningful conduit for the application of research and keeps me connected to the human element of learning.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I got to my first teaching job by taking a canoe down the Amazon River and then a series of bus rides into the Andes mountains. After Peru and a MAT degree, I spent six years teaching in Kuwait where I started an experimental competency and project-based school program. Since then, I have been teaching at a Title-I charter school in Asheville, NC. (I also have a life-long goal to eat ice cream on seven continents.)”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Doing well and doing good are not always the same. Seek to do both.”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“I was awarded a Golden Apple for teaching in 2020 and selected as a distinguished educator for The New York Times Teaching Project 2021. I enjoy reading, writing poetry and doing house/garden projects with my husband.”
John Sanders, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Film and New Media
- Ph.D. from Syracuse University
Research Interests
Hollywood Film Genre, New Media Storytelling, Game Studies, Literary Adaptations
Why Appalachian?
“The beautiful scenery and the friendly colleagues!”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I was born and raised in Eagle River, Alaska. I'm a long way from home, but I'm at home on the mountain!”
Department of Geography and Planning
William Wang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Geographic Information Science
- Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut (UConn)
Research Interests
Geospatial Analysis Within the Human-Environment System
Why Appalachian?
“United department and gorgeous view of mountainous area.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“Used to work in different places of U.S. - received Ph.D. degree from UConn, did postdoc at University of Idaho, got first faculty position at Mississippi State University and started a new journey at App State.”
Zhiyuan Yao, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Geographic Information Science
- Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati
Research Interests
Geocomputing, Urban Transportation, Equity
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I wanted to be a professional singer when I was a kid.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Time flies and never comes back. Enjoy every moment of your life.”
Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences
Brooke Hunter, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Critical Zone Science
- Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from the University of Oregon
- B.A. in Geology from Macalester College
Research Interests
Critical Zone Science, Geomorphology, Soil Science, Environmental Hazards
Why Appalachian?
“I greatly enjoy teaching and mentoring so I am thrilled to join a community that values undergraduate education and experiences! As someone who studies landscapes, I am also excited to explore and study the diverse landscapes around App State.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I have lived in the Midwest, the Pacific Northwest and New England. This has pushed me to try new sports and activities popular in different regions of the U.S. So I am excited to see what new hobbies I pick up in Boone!”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Multiple mentors have given the advice to ask as many questions as you can! Whether they are big or small, pushing yourself to ask questions will help you (and your classmates) understand material more deeply.”
Brandon Lutz, Ph.D.
Assistant Teaching Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Structural Geology, Field Geology
- Ph.D. from New Mexico Tech
- M.S. from the University of Alabama
- B.S from Ohio University
Research Interests
Fault Mechanics and Evolution, Tectonics and Biology, Intraplate Deformation, Accretionary Wedges and Ore Deposits
Why Appalachian?
“Great opportunity to teach field camp and structural geology, awesome labs, nice people, nice location.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“My first dream job was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Don't miss the forest for the trees.”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“Trail running/hiking, looking for canoe float trips, aspiring to learn some best gardening practices here from old masters.”
Department of Government and Justice Studies
Mike Lockridge, J.D. ’93 ’95
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Criminal Justice
- J.D. from North Carolina Central University School of Law
- B.S. and M.P.A. from Appalachian State University
- A.A.S. from Wake Technical Community College
Why Appalachian?
“It's App State!”
Department of History
Brad Phillis, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Social Studies Education, Medieval Europe
- Ph.D. in History from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- M.A. in Education from Wake Forest University
- B.A. in History and Music from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Research Interests
Medieval Intellectual History, Manuscript Studies, Crusade Studies, Reading in the Content Areas; Social Studies Pedagogy
Why Appalachian?
“App State is close to family. I love the climate and I value the university's history as a normal college in the state of North Carolina.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I taught high school in Winston-Salem for six years before earning my Ph.D.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Passion (about one's work) is overrated: one can be conscientious and excellent at a job without feeling any kind of way about it.”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“I play chess.”
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Christoph Schmitz, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
- Ph.D from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University
- M.A. from the University of Leipzig
Research Interests
Contemporary German Literature, Sound Studies, Science Fiction
Why Appalachian?
“The teaching focus, the potential and the great bike rides..”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I speak two languages at home, none of which is English.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“It's not about the grammar.”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“I like riding my bike (if I find the time), and I love to teach. Developing into an effective teacher who can make his point to an audience inside and outside of the classroom is one of my main inspirations.”
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Mohammed Adjieteh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Actuarial Science
- Ph.D from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Research Interests
Actuarial Science, Robust Statistics, Risk Management
Why Appalachian?
“I like the Actuarial Science program at App State and I believe I can contribute immensely towards its growth.”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“I enjoy playing soccer.”
Jacob Blazejewski, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Multivariable Calculus, Computational Mathematics, Differential Equations
- M.S. and Ph.D. from Michigan Technological University
- B.S. from Alma College
Research Interests
Numerical Analysis, Differential Equations
Why Appalachian?
“Appalachian is a wonderful institution in a gorgeous area chalked full of phenomenal people to work with! It is extra special to work for an institution that perfectly matches my educational experiences as a student at both liberal arts and research-focused institutions.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I have an extensive tie collection and make a point of not repeating ties on class days throughout the semester. Be sure to check out the featured tie of the day!”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“I was afforded two great professional development opportunities this summer: Getting trained as a facilitator for process oriented guided inquiry learning with the POGIL Project and being a '24 Fellow of the Mathematical Association of America's Project NExT.”
John Sevier, Ph.D. ’07 ’08
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Mathematics Education
- Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- B.S. and M.A. in Mathematics Secondary Education from Appalachian State University
Research Interests
Graduate Teaching Assistant Teaching Professional Development, Problem Posing in Mathematics Utilization of Problem Posing in K-16 Mathematics
Why Appalachian?
“Appalachian is home. It has always been a place for me to grow, learn and strive to be the best I can be. It provides opportunities for me to use my talents in supporting students in mathematics and future educators.”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“I am blessed with a wonderful wife Grace Ann and two amazing children, Johnathan and Anna Grace. Without them, I would not be where I am at today.”
Rashmi Singh, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Secondary Math Education
- Postdoctoral Researcher at Boston University and the University of Southern California
- Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Kent State University
Research Interests
“My primary research centers on improving the engagement and accessibility of mathematics for diverse learners through the study of lesson design, instructional practices, assessments, and the integration of technology.”
Why Appalachian?
“The strong sense of community and the collaborative environment at App State really appealed to me. Additionally, Boone's natural beauty and the opportunity to be in a vibrant mountain town provide an ideal setting for both work and life. The chance to contribute to and grow within a university that values both academic excellence and community engagement made App State the perfect choice for me.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“Something interesting about me is that I love traveling and exploring new places. What makes it even more exciting for me is learning about the historical background of the places I visit. Understanding the stories and events that have shaped different regions adds a deeper layer to my travel experiences and fuels my curiosity about the world.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Give your best effort and focus on what you can control—your actions. The outcome is beyond your control, so don’t stress about it. Failure isn’t something to fear; every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow.”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“I was the first student to get a University Fellowship from the Department of Teaching Learning and Curriculum Studies at Kent State University! I enjoy cooking Indian food!”
Linjiao Wu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Actuarial Science
- Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Research Interests
Conditional Tail Expectations
Why Appalachian?
“The beautiful area and the people and the future of the department.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I like many things but find it hard to insist. Right now I am interested in painting by oil pastels.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Something you cannot achieve today doesn’t mean that you cannot achieve it tomorrow.”
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Madeline Hinckle, Ph.D.
Teacher in Residence and Physics Secondary Education Director
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Physics Secondary Education
- Ph.D. in STEM Education from North Carolina State University
- M.Ed. in STEM Education from Clemson University
- B.A. in Physics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Research Interests
Physics Education, The Integration of Computer Science into Science Education; STEM Gender Gap
Why Appalachian?
“I fell in love with Appalachian years ago as a high school student attending Summer Ventures in Science and Math. As I continued in my education and professional career, I followed Appalachian closely and was consistently impressed by their educational efforts. I am so excited to be a part of this community!”
Department of Psychology
Brooke Burrows, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Psych Science (Social/Community Psychology)
- M.A and Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst
- B.A. in Psychology and Human Rights from Columbia University
Research Interests
Mechanisms for Justice and Dialogue, Psychology and the Criminal Legal System, Social Change Processes, Intergroup Conflict and Conflict Resolution, Multicultural Psychology, Environmental Justice and Resiliency, Transformative Politics
Why Appalachian?
“Growing up in rural Western North Carolina under the storytelling of my nana - a proud alumna of the Crossnore School - and the fly-fishing adventures of my granddad, home has always been in the mountains. After meandering through different countries and cities, being able to return home as faculty at Appalachian feels like both a reclamation of my own identity as well as a grounding place to make the type of community impact I care most about.”
What is something interesting about yourself?
“I've spent time living and conducting research in Germany (Congress Bundestag scholar), India (within the Tibetan Exile Community), Armenia (Peace Corps Community Development Volunteer), New York City (Columbia's Center for Justice) and back in my NC hometown (AmeriCorps Natural Resource Volunteer).”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Anything by James Baldwin, but especially relevant in hard times: ‘Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.’”
Is there anything else you would like to share (e.g. awards, service, aspirations, hobbies, etc.)?
“I am an avid trail runner and sci-fi reader and aspirational ‘person who doesn't work on the weekends except when really, really excited about a project.’”
Tom Gross, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
School Psychology
- Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Oklahoma State University
- M.A. in Community Counseling from Marquette University
- B.A. in Psychology from Marquette University
Research Interests
School and Class-wide Behavior Supports, Mathematics and Biostatistics Instruction at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Issues Relating to Equity and Inclusion in Psychology
Why Appalachian?
“The emphasis on quality teaching and research, as well as the supportive environment.”
Cassidy Sandoval, Ph.D. ’19
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Clinical Psychology
- Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Virginia Consortium Program in Clinical Psychology
- M.A. in Clinical Psychology from Appalachian State University
Research Interests
“My program of research is rooted in women's health. Broadly, I study body image and how it is associated with a variety of health behaviors among pregnant adults, sexual minority women and within the context of romantic relationships.”
Why Appalachian?
“I am excited to return to my alma mater and contribute to the training of doctoral level clinical psychologists. The program/department culture and the university's values related to teaching and scholarly work are a great fit for my professional goals.”
Adelya Urmanche, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Clinical Psychology
- Ph.D. from Adelphi University
- M.A. from Columbia University
- B.A. from Montclair State University
Research Interests
Various Aspects of Substance Use and Misuse, Primarily Rooted in Harm Reduction and Overdose Prevention; Psychotherapy Process and Training Research (What makes a good therapist?)
Why Appalachian?
“Focus on teaching and student engagement, support for research activities, a strong sense of community and...have you seen outside?”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Connect with anyone and everyone! You never know who will impact you and/or your career; it may not be who you expect. And, of course, ‘All data is good data’ from my Ph.D. mentor.”
Department of Rural Resilience and Innovation
Jason Stanhill, D.V.M.
Lecturer and Assistant Clinical Coordinator
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Veterinary Technology
- D.V.M. from Colorado State University
- B.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Arizona
- B.A. in English from the University of Arizona
Why Appalachian?
“I'm so excited to be part of such an amazing team of industry leaders, innovators and human beings. App State's really put together an incredible group that makes me feel like there's nowhere else I'd rather be.”
Department of Sociology
Anna Holleman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Program Area or Teaching Focus
Sociology of Religion, Medical Sociology
- Ph.D. from Duke University
Research Interests
Religion, Health, Inequality
Why Appalachian?
“I chose to come to App State because it is a great school in a beautiful place, where people are invested in the university community.”
What is the best advice you were ever given or advice you like to share with your students?
“Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Be willing to try new things and learn from the times you fall short.”
About the College of Arts and Sciences
The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) at Appalachian State University is home to 17 academic departments, two centers and one residential college. These units span the humanities and the social, mathematical and natural sciences. CAS aims to develop a distinctive identity built upon our university's strengths, traditions and unique location. The college’s values lie not only in service to the university and local community, but through inspiring, training, educating and sustaining the development of its students as global citizens. More than 6,400 student majors are enrolled in the college. As the college is also largely responsible for implementing App State’s general education curriculum, it is heavily involved in the education of all students at the university, including those pursuing majors in other colleges. Learn more at
Compiled by Lauren Gibbs
August 22, 2024