Chemical Safety in Schools Workshop
With Samuella Sigmann, Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences
Saturday, April 17, 2021
9 a.m.
Virtual Event
This is a free event, register at this google form
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Samuella Sigmann, senior lecturer and director of the chemistry stockroom in the Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences, will be hosting a professional development workshop to share about chemical safety in the learning environment.
This workshop was designed to teach educators how to determine and reduce risk in their teaching environments. The workshop is composed of three modules including information on the globally harmonized system of classification and labeling of chemicals, chemical storage, basics of hazardous waste management and how to evaluate the quality of a safety data sheet.
Sigmann has had more than thirty years of experience teaching at Appalachian State University, and is a member of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Chemical Health & Safety (CHAS). Sigmann is also the chair of the CHAS Long Range Planning Committee.
The event will be limited to 25 participants, and each participant will be provided safety kits. This workshop will offer up to 0.6 renewal credits to teachers, and is suitable for both teachers as well as outreach demonstrators interested in chemical safety. For more information contact Sigmann at
This event is sponsored by Appalachian’s Mathematics and Science Education Center (MSEC).
About the A.R. Smith Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences
The A.R. Smith Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences offers a Bachelor of Arts in chemistry, a Bachelor of Science in chemistry with eight different concentrations and an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science degree in fermentation sciences. The department’s programs prepare students to attend graduate and professional schools, as well as for employment in the pharmaceutical and fermentation industries and other business sectors. Learn more at
About the Math and Science Education Center
Since 1985, the Appalachian State University Math and Science Education Center has offered special workshops, summer institutes, graduate courses and other instructional programs aimed at helping update and recertify teachers in Northwest North Carolina. The center’s goals are to increase the quality and quantity of mathematics and science teachers in North Carolina public schools; strengthen instruction in mathematics and science in grades K-12; sponsor research and development in mathematics and science education; and increase the use of educational technology in schools.
By James Johnston
March 15, 2021