Dr. Beverly Moser
Professor, German and TESL/Applied Linguistics
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
The Center for Academic Excellence has enlisted the help of many faculty champions across the campus community to help with workshops and support for the Keep Teaching initiative during the virtual transition of Covid-19. Faculty champions are helping others with transitioning to online delivery; continuing support of faculty and staff within their home department throughout this semester; providing consultations and workshops, as well as assisting faculty with efforts for accessible course content.
"I’ve been working to help faculty transition to online teaching while preserving as much real-time, synchronous instruction as possible. Synchronous learning is critical in our field since we’re teaching our students to understand and speak another language at every step. I send 'just-in-time-teaching-with-tech' tips that feature straightforward, easy-to-use tech solutions that are supported by the Center for Academic Excellence (CAE). I also work one-on-one with anyone who reaches out for help. I’m using Google forms to connect with both students and colleagues. This gives me feedback about how classes are going for students and also what my colleagues might need—or not need—for their teaching. Everyone is being generous in offering their expertise. We will make it through this and be ready for teaching all-online intensive language classes this summer," said Moser.
About the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures offers courses that enhance students’ understanding of other cultures and languages as well as their own, making them prepared for lifelong learning in a multicultural world. Learn more at https://dllc.appstate.edu.
About the Center for Academic Excellence
The Center for Academic Excellence is Appalachian State University's lead teaching and learning resource for faculty, staff and students. It was formed in 2016 by combining the staff and resources from Learning Technology Services and Faculty and Academic Development into a single, comprehensive center dedicated to growing excellence in teaching and learning and supporting faculty and student success. Among its services, the center provides support for teaching innovation, the scholarship of teaching and learning, learning technologies and professional development for faculty and staff. Learn more at https://cae.appstate.edu.
Compiled and written by Maddie Seehafer and Ellen Gwin Burnette
April 28, 2020