Appalachian State Philosophical Society Conference with Furman University
Friday, March 16 and Saturday March 17, 2018
I.G. Greer, Room 119, Appalachian State University
Appalachian State University Philosophical Society in the Department of Philosophy and Religion will host students and faculty from Furman University this week for a philosophy conference. Eleven students from both institutions will present their research on Friday, March 16 from 2-6 p.m. and on Saturday, March 17 from 9-5 p.m. These presentations and the keynote speaker are free events, open to the public and they will take place in I.G. Greer, Room 119 on the campus of Appalachian State University.
The keynote speaker of the weekend will be Dr. Aaron Simmons, Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy, Furman University. Simmons specializes in postmodern philosophy of religion and political philosophy. He will give a talk titled: "Confidence Without Certainty: Can Hope Remain After STEM?"
The Philosophy club is working towards mimicking a professional philosophy conference that many students will eventually attend. Students that wished to participate submitted an eight to ten page paper on any topic of their choice and the most well-developed were asked to present. Eleven students are presenting: three from Appalachian, which are the winners of the paper competition and eight students from Furman.
"I am excited to see this year's conference come to fruition. Dr. Rick Elmore, Dr. Kevin Schilbrack and Alice Fisher have been instrumental in helping get this event off the ground. I am looking forward to seeing our students present their work and for the department to get the chance to show off its talented students. I would love for some of the larger community to attend our conference and explore philosophy with us,” said Jordan Venditelli, Philosophy Club President.
Below is a full schedule of the weekends presentations. For questions about the event, please contact the Philosophy and Religion Office in I.G. Greer Rm. 114 at (828) 262-3089. To learn more about the Philosophy Club, visit:
Friday, March 16, 2018 from 2 p.m. - 9 p.m.
2-2:50 “Suppose Truth is a Convict – What Then?: Applying Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Language to Dickens’ Great Expectations”
3-3:50 “Kierkegaard and Mother Teresa: Paradoxes of hope and Despair in Life and Philosophy”
4-4:50 “Bending Back Towards Justice”
4:50-5:10 – Break –
5:10-6:00 “Apophatic Humility: Pseudo-Dionysius as Epistemic Guide”
6:00-7:00 Keynote, Dr. Aaron Simmons (Furman University)
"Confidence Without Certainty: Can Hope Remain After STEM?"
Saturday, March 17, 2018 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
8:30-9:00 – Coffee –
9:00-9:50 “Fides et ratio et silentio: Catholic Reason in Fear and Trembling”
10:00-10:50 “A Taste of Armageddon: Killing and Letting Die in Utopia”
11:00-11:50 “’Know Thyself’: The Ontological Implications of Middle Voice Usage with Emerson and Nietzsche”
12:00-1:00 – Lunch on campus –
1:00-1:50 “Ineffable Anxiety as the Coat of Arms: Abraham Has No Mouth, and He Must Scream”
2:00-2:50 “The State and its Witchcraft: Who is the State?”
2:50-3:10 – Break –
3:10-4:00 “A Perspective on Faith in Relation to the Ethical”
4:10-5:00 “Overcoming and Becoming: Toward a New Mode of Being Nietzsche’s Eternal Return”
About the Department of Philosophy and Religion
The Department of Philosophy and Religion invites students to explore the world, examine beliefs, understand a diversity of worldviews, and challenge the ideas and values that instruct our lives. The department offers a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy and a Bachelor of Arts in religious studies, as well as a minor in both of these areas. Learn more at
Appalachian Philosophy Club pictured, l to r: Jordan Venditelli (President); Liam O’Mahony (Vice President); Dr. Rick Elmore (Faculty Advisor); Lauren Wilson (Former Media Manager); Amanda Pinto (Secretary) and Dr. Joe Weiss (Faculty Member).
By Ellen Gwin Burnette
March 14, 2018