The 6th Annual Appalachian Lecture in British History with Dr. Denis Paz from the University of North Texas will be held Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 7 p.m. in Belk Library and Information Commons, Room 114.
Chartism, at its height in the late 1830s to late 1840s, was the largest and most important popular political mobilization in British history. Much has been written about it, but some of its many facets remain relatively neglected. In this lecture, Dr. Denis Paz will discuss the movement and its context and focus, in particular, on how historians of Chartism have treated the problem of antisemitism. The lecture will investigate levels of both antisemitism and philosemitism among Chartists and point to strengths and weaknesses in the relevant historiography.
Paz, a native Texan, studied at San Antonio College, the University of North Texas, the London School of Economics and received a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. He has taught at Michigan, the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Clemson University in South Carolina and the University of North Texas, which named him Emeritus Professor in 2013. Along the way, he has published four monographs, one edited collection, several teaching aids and many articles in learned journals. Since his retirement he has lived in Brooklyn, New York.
There will be a display of rare books and other items relating to the lecture in the Rhinehart Room (fourth floor of the Library) between 5:45 and 6:45 p.m. For additional information, please contact Michael Turner (
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The Department of History offers a broad curriculum in local, national, regional and world history at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, which encourages history majors to develop a comprehensive approach to human problems. The study of history is an essential part of a liberal arts education and offers valuable preparation for many careers, such as law, journalism, public history, public service and business, as well as in teaching and the advanced discipline of history. Learn more at