With Dr. Anna Field (Rhinehart Postdoctoral Fellow 2019-20)
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
5 p.m.
History Lounge in Anne Belk Hall, Room 212
This event is free and open to the public.
Field is a graduate of Cardiff University and was lecturer in British history at King’s College London, 2018-19. Her current research is in the history of emotion and intimacy. She is exploring specific practical and emotional expectations associated with family, friendship and local community—expectations that were often violated or destroyed by serious crime—and seeks to contextualize meanings of intimacy in the light of early modern attitudes towards gender, the body, class and religion.
About the Department of History
The Department of History offers a broad curriculum in local, national, regional and world history at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, which encourages history majors to develop a comprehensive approach to human problems. The study of history is an essential part of a liberal arts education and offers valuable preparation for many careers, such as law, journalism, public history, public service and business, as well as in teaching and the advanced discipline of history. Learn more at https://history.appstate.edu.